Chapter twelve

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It's been a week since tragedy struck my family, it's a understatement when I say things haven't been the same since we found jaz. She had to stay admitted in the hospital for a few days she didn't wake up until Thursday even then she wasn't completely aware of what was going on. By Saturday she could tell us what happened, it wasn't a pretty story and it effected all of us.

Mommy? Daddy? What happened?
Your okay sweetie we're right here with you.
I remember being with Jane at the bonfire then nothing.
Take your time baby we'll be here when your ready to talk.
Is Jane okay?
Sweetie Jane is dead it happened the same night you went missing, I don't want you worrying about that right now okay. Just rest!

Later on that night jaz opened up about what had happened then shortly after went mute. I remember her words they were hard to swallow.

We were out by the old high school the whole class was there, I hadn't planned on drinking because I knew I needed to be back home. Jane was off with Eric and I sat on the tailgate of Mathew's truck talking with Alice, looking around I couldn't fine Jade! So I got up asked a few people if they had seen her one told me they saw her go down the path that leads to the creek with Eric. I already had a uneasy feeling so I went after her to tell her I thought it was time to leave; the further I trekked through the path the darker it became but I kept going cause I was her ride and I didn't want nobody taking advantage of her. Pulling out my phone I had originally went to text jax telling him to wait up for us but I didn't have any service so instead I decided to cut on my location just in case. When I reached the creek I saw them sitting talking so I walked up to Jane telling her it's time to leave, she put up a fight and told me she wanted to stay and that she wasn't coming with me. I yanked her up and told her I'd call her mother if she didn't, Eric grabbed me telling me to leave that I heard what Jane had said so I kicked him pulling Jane by my side to leave.  We made it half way down the trail when we heard someone following us, we just thought it was Eric messing with us so we picked up our pace. Then Jane fell and out of the corner of my eye I saw this man standing right behind us: grabbing Jane up we ran as fast as we could go we made it back to the filed just to notice everyone had left the only cars left was Eric's and mine! We jumped into my car I went to crank it and the engine wouldn't turn over, then everything went black. Coming back to I was in a classroom strapped down to a desk, I started to scream for Jane but I didn't get no reply what I got was the man who had been chasing us. He walked up beside me laughed telling me screaming for my friend wasn't gone work then he proceeded to cut my clothes off of me. His words were we don't want to mess those up, he proceeded to slice me up while he wore a massive smile. I'd black out then come right back too to him slowly cutting my throat I could literally feel the burning and bubbling of blood at the back of my mouth no longer being able to talk. He'd say things like I wonder how much pain it'd take to kill you then move on to a different part of my body to cut up. The worse part about it he wore a smile like my pain made him the happiest man in the world. At some point I could hear Jane screaming from the other room I'd try to get lose and he'd just tell me to stop I'm sending a message. I didn't understand what he meant. I didn't want to he said he was decorating my body that the red on the inside of my body is just too pretty of a color to be wasted.  At some point he rolled me onto my stomach tying  me back down proceeding to carve up my back. When he was done he clasped his hands together saying yes I think this'll work and left. I could no longer hear Jane then I blacked out.

When we finally got to see the damage done to jaz we all sat crying for days then I went to wash her stitches in the shower as she turned around to face the wall I saw all the names of the people who died at this sick'os hands now my sister was scarred with their names on her back. I called mom and dad in the room to see it they lost it at the sight of it. We had never heard of what dad did for work til this day shocking us all he looked at me mom and jaz saying I work for a elit group of men also known as hit men and this sorry fucker just got a target on his back! We were now stuck with his secret and it wasn't ours to tell.

It's easy to say last week was a roller coaster ride, I stand in my room right now looking at all the packed up boxes wondering if I made the right decision with moving in with Felix? We broke the news the night at the hospital cause it was looking like there wouldn't be a good time to do so. Dad asked me if this was what I wanted I told him yes then he gave his blessing.

I lied it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to pack our things up and relocate. I wanted my family to be safe. I wanted this bastard who hurt my sister and best friend dead. I wanted to see the look in his face when I held his life in my hands!

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