Margaret On The Guillotine

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"Do you think bad people have a dream and it gets passed onto good people but they twist it?"  Robert asked questionably.

"That sounds like something from a children's book from the author with such a creative mind. To answer your theory, certainly no. The kind people have a wonderful dream." Steven answered.

"Oh. I thought I was a genius for coming up with that! I thought you would've been not able to  answer that because of shock that you couldn't solve or give your thought onto it!" Robert confessed, he was quite disappointed. He just wanted to give Steven a puzzle or question he could not answer. 

"Maybe next time." Steven muttered. He knew he'd still be able to answer the next one. 'Or if there even was a next one, along with a next time.' He thought. 

"Maybe. When I woke up today I found out that my mum's friend, I think her name was Margaret, was staying over last night and I was obviously tired when I woke up, but she told me that I'm 'too young to be tired' but at the time I was thinking what you'd be like as prime minister and I thought 'God, she'd be an awful prime minister. Maybe Steven would be a better one compared to her.' what do you think?" Robert asked, he ventured upon what happened that morning, or so that afternoon. He does get up quite late. It's not like we can say Steven gets up in the mornings either, because he doesn't.

"Margaret on the guillotine." Steven joked. He wasn't really joking but he was, in a way that was slightly complicated.

"God, not you and those ancient machines used to slaughter people."  Robert joked in the same way as Steven did.

"You should've said to her 'Cause people like you make me feel so tired, when will you die?' but you missed your opportunity!" Steven joked once again in the same way as he did before.

"ARGHH! Yeah I should've!!" Robert replied, quite noticeably regretting he did not say what Steven said he could've said.

"No talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time." A pretty man or a boy, Steven couldn't tell which,  wearing a bit of eyeliner with a coat and what looked like a gold-ish blazer and a polka dot tie underneath the coat. He was extraordinarily pretty. 

Steven didn't know what type of coat it was and what the material was, due to the fact that the coat was black and it was late at night and Steven was far too blind to even identify it. But it was a nice coat.

'When will you die?' Steven thought to himself, thinking it was a way of communicating to those annoying kids outside his house waiting in line for the ice-cream truck. To which that thought kept repeating inside his head.

'And people like you make me feel so old inside, please die.' Steven also thought.

He did not like remembering those 'horrible' memories of him and Robert, but there's nothing he can do.

"And the kind people do not shelter this dream make it real, make the dream real." Steven added to his answer earlier on.

"MAKE THE DREAM REAL MAKE IT REAL!!!" Robert screamed like a mad-man once more.

"Oh are we repeating it?" Steven asked quite confused.

"Apparently so!" Robert answered

"Make the dream real, make it real." Steven sighed melodramatically.

'The dream has gone but the baby is real.' Steven thought to nobody but himself.

Then a baby started crying to it's lungs content. This was rather unfortunate for Steven.

'The world just wants to make me suffer! The world won't listen!' Steven thought melodramatically as he sighed melodramatically. He wasn't that wrong though, but he was right but also wrong and dramatic. 

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