The Ordinary Boys

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"If you could choose, would you rather go back to being a kid while being oblivious to everything around you, or would you stay as you are?" Robert asked.

"I don't know. What about you though?" Steven asked in return.

"I don't know either." Robert answered.

"What if we try to mock West End Girls?" Robert asked, "Okay but why in particular question?" Steven asked in return.

"I don't know. I'm bored so why not?" Robert answered. And so Steven and Robert mocked West End Girls, all towards Robert's hatred for Neil Tennant, Steven wanted to see how this turned out. Can you blame him, really?

"Ordinary boys, happy knowing nothing happy being no one but themselves," Steven sang.

"Ordinary girls, supermarket clothes," Robert sang.

"Who think it's very clever to be cruel to you!" Steven remarked.

Robert grabbed Steven's pillow and hit him with it. His plan was to keep hitting Steven with the pillow to see what his voice would react towards the pillow. Would Steven's voice go quite high? Would Steven's voice go quite low?

"For you were so different, you stood all alone and you knew that it had to be so." Steven's voice wobbled slightly, and so did his balance of movement.

"Avoiding ordinary boys, happy going nowhere!" Steven sang quite wobbly while nearly falling onto the floor but was saved by the edge of the bed.

"Just rattling around in their cars!" Robert screamed as he tried to do a handstand.

"Ordinary girls, never seeing further than the cold, small streets that trap them." Steven frowned. He knew quite exactly how that felt. To him, Everyday Is Like Sunday and everyday is silent and grey. 

"But you were so different!" Morrissey pulled a face, it was a face hard to describe. 

"You had to say no!" Robert screamed while attempting to do a cartwheel.

"When those empty fools tried to change you and claim you!" Steven sang, he got a bit emotional during the whole process of singing that specific line and the next.

Steven looked back at it and he realised that specific line quite sounded and reminded him of a certain time before. 

Again, we have emotional Steven at our hands.

"For the lair of their ordinary world where they feel so lucky, so lucky, so lucky with their lives laid out before them. They are lucky, so lucky, so lucky, so lucky, so." Steven sung a bit emotionally.

And of course, Robert tried to do a handstand and ended up crashing into Steven's wall. To which Steven had to take his glasses off to destroy that sight.

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