Everyday Is Like Sunday

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Here we have Steven trudging slowly over wet sand back to the bench where his clothes were stolen. 

'This is most absurdly embarrassing.' Steven thought as he trudged slowly over wet sand back to the bench where his clothes were stolen.

Steven gestured towards the landmark of the coastal town, 'This is the coastal town that they forgot to close down Armageddon, come Armageddon come, Armageddon come.' Steven thought to nobody but himself.

'Everyday is like Sunday' Steven thought to himself.  It was, as usual, silent and grey.

Steven somehow made it back home.

Steven looked away in embarrassment at that memory, in which he stuffed his face inside his pillow that he dreamt on. Although he'd hadn't had a dream in a long time.

Steven thought what would happen if Robert hadn't of came to his rescue that day..? 

"Do you need some clothes?" The spidery stranger asked to which Steven looked around and answered with, "It looks like it, so perhaps yes..?" 

Steven and the spidery stranger hid on the promenade, "Wait here, I'll be back I promise!" The spidery stranger promised, to which he ran off towards a house with a skip in the drive.

Steven sat down, towel covering him, in despair. He was so confused. A stranger with spidery hair walked up to him, offered him some clothes, he accepted, then he ran off somewhere? Now what would he do? 'Walk home  I suppose.' Steven thought to himself. 

'The one time I go outside, my clothes are stolen. I shall never step foot out of my house ever again.' Steven thought.

Steven made an agreement to himself, that if the spidery stranger doesn't come back in 7 minutes then he shall have to walk home.

Luckily, the spidery stranger came back before the counting of 7 minutes were up. This time, the spidery stranger had a shower curtain, a pack of blu-tack in his hand, a small step ladder, and his duffel bag that he previously had before.

The spidery stranger put down the small step ladder, opened it up and climbed upon it. To which he set the blu-tack up on the promenade roof, he folded a bit over on the shower curtain and stuck it on the blu-tack.

Soon, the promenade part they was inside was covered by the shower curtain. The spidery stranger handed Steven the clothes in his duffel bag, and respectfully, the spidery stranger turned around so Steven could change without eyes looking.

Steven successfully changed, like almost everybody else above the age of 7. Although the clothes weren't exactly Steven's style, but it's better than walking around in a towel. Besides, his style and spidery stranger's style are close enough. 

"Thank you, really.. thank you. I don't really fancy walking around in a towel so, thank you." Steven thanked the spidery stranger, "No problem, besides I was walking to my friend's house for a sleepover and I brought a spare pair of clothes in case I needed them for anything in particular. I best get going actually.." The spidery stranger explained, he didn't want to leave this strange.. intelligent-looking poetic boy's side that now that he thought about it he might've saw a thorn in there, but he also wanted to go to Simon's house for a sleepover. 

And he didn't want to stand Simon up. Of course he didn't, we mustn't forget that.

"Well, have fun at your sleepover. Do save a Double Decker for me, oh and a KitKat. Ooh and a Cadbury bar! Well.. if there's any that is." As you might be able to tell already, Double Deckers are Steven's favourite.

"I will, and again I will! And here we go again, I will! I promise!" The spidery stranger promised as you might be able to tell already.

The two boys said their goodbyes and the spidery stranger left.

Steven, still hid on the promenade, etch a postcard "How I dearly wish I was not here" he engraved upon the postcard.

'In the seaside town that they forgot to bomb come, come, come, nuclear bomb.' Steven thought to himself.

'Everyday is like Sunday, everyday is silent and grey.' Steven thought to himself once again.

Steven trudged back over pebbles and sand, in hopes of finding Robert again, and a strange dust lands on his hands and on his face. 'On your face, on your face, on your face' Steven's thought echoed throughout his mind.

'Everyday is like Sunday, "Win yourself a cheap tray" share some greased tea with me, everyday is silent and grey' Steven thought to himself.

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