Angel Angel Down We Go Together

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"Steven, I'm sorry, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm sorry." Robert broke down in tears as Steven was left slightly confused but understood.

"I'm really sorry, I really am it's just.. I can't do it anymore." Robert choked on his own sobs trying to explain.

Robert's state of crying got worse and worse by the second. "I shouldn't do this I'm sorry, boys don't cry." Robert apologised.

"Angel, angel, don't take your life tonight," Steven sang, after all, music is free therapy. Well you have to pay for the CDS, records, the record player and CD player. But you get the point.

"I know they take and that they take in turn and they give you nothing real for yourself in return," Steven sang, he himself started to tear up, he knew that this was quite selfish of him. But he wanted someone to do this for him, someone to write a song like this for him in his desperate times, which was all the time. He wanted someone to sing this to him. He hid the tears in his eyes, even when they slipped out and his voice started sobbing he managed to disguise it.

"But when they've used you and they've broken you and wasted all your money and cast your shell aside." Steven could hear Robert sobbing and it broke his heart to hear that awful sound. 'When anyone sobs they sound absolutely awful!' Steven thought to himself.

"And when they've bought you and they've sold you and they've billed you for the pleasure and they've made your parents cry, I will be here, oh, believe me, I will be here, believe me."  Steven promised, 'As long as I live, I will be here for that strange angel.' Steven thought and promised.

"Angel, don't take your life some people have got no pride, they do not understand the urgency of life but I love you more than life," Steven sang his heart out to Robert in hopes of him believing every word in the song that Steven personally wrote just for him.

Steven looked back on that night, crying and sobbing more than he'd ever had in his whole life. Just beating the time when Robert didn't bring him an chocolate Easter egg, but a boiled one instead, and so in true Steven nature, he was violent and cried for the external of Robert's visit. Until Robert got him a chocolate Easter egg, that was. And gladiolus and CDS and records, cannot forget those. To which Steven then questioned if Robert found him childish at all.

Steven then hugged a pillow, sobbing and crying into it. 

'I dearly hope nobody hears me sob. Such a barbaric sound.' Steven thought to nobody but himself.

Steven cried and cried and cried. For a long time. 

He then couldn't breathe as his sobs hitched with him gasping for air.

'Oh god, my chance has come at last!' Steven thought. 

He also thought of life and death and neither one particularly appealed to him.

Steven wondered what his last thought shall be before he dies, so he decided to look back on the memories of him and Robert, and if death takes that long, then he shall think of his gladiolus.

Steven looked back on memories such as:Him seeing Robert at the forecourt and such as,  Robert then telling him about what he read in the newspaper and Steven stole his ice cream in return. Robert and Steven making up a fake theory about someone on a television program while being seriously-joking, joking but in a serious manner. Someone stealing Steven's clothes on the beach and the spidery strange, such as Robert, came to his rescue while on the way to a sleepover.

'Ooh I should select some last words!' Steven thought, 'But what if I live or die?' Steven thought again.

'That didn't make any particular sense. It's the dying, don't worry about it darling.' Steven thought to nobody but himself.

'I just might die with a smile, or a frown, on my face after all. I suppose I better smile, or frown, like I mean it.' Steven thought.

"I love you more than life." Steven confessed to Robert.

"I love you more than life." Steven really hoped that this would make Robert believe every single word of that song. He couldn't bare to think of what he'd do without Robert. 'The same as whatever on Earth I did before destiny pushed us together to meet one another.' Steven thought. He still couldn't bare the thought of being without Robert. The most he'd been without Robert was 3 days. After they met of course. He'd developed some sort of separation anxiety towards him. 

"I love you more than life." Steven's heart shattered.

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