Alsatian Cousin

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"I saw a headline in the newspaper saying that by 2073 we'd have developed some sort of slug antennas and antlers, I mean do you really believe that?" Robert asked, "Are you quite sure you read that in a newspaper? But then, that is the sort of information that the newspapers hand out to get their money coming in." Steven answered as he slid out a spoon from his pocket, in which he slipped the utensil into Robert's ice-cream tub and quickly removed the spoon and shoved it in his mouth. 

"So you're saying you don't believe me?" Robert asked 'He has not even noticed that some of his precious ice cream has been stolen! That's pleasant for me,  horrendous for him.' "Yes Robert, that is quite exactly what I am saying, to which that is that I don't believe you." As the last sentence departed from Steven's mouth, a blonde wearing a party dress walked around the park mumbling "Where is my nightgown?"

"Hey! If you don't believe me stop nicking my bloody ice cream then!!" Robert half-joked as he lightly punched Steven's arm, "Oh but I cannot help but not be able to understand on why you'd believe that rubbish!" Steven said slightly dramatically.

"Did you and Robert ever like each other?" Sheila asked, "What on Earth do you mean?" Steven asked to which Sheila slightly rolled her eyes, "I mean where you both lovers? Like in a relationship?" Sheila clarified "Well no, not like that'd be any of your business anyways." Steven answered muttering the 'not like that'd be any of your business anyways' and luckily, Sheila did not hear that part.

"But if you both was, would you tell me?" Sheila asked slightly desperate, "Perhaps." Steven replied through slightly gritted teeth.

As he looked back on that one Friday that might've or might not of changed his life forever — as cliché as that may sound. 

He walked along the forecourt on a boringly miserably normal Friday, just wanting to pay for his petrol and get some crisps and get it over and done with. The sooner it was dealt with, the sooner he could lay in bed listening to music, curling up with his cat while munching on crisps trying to be quiet in order to actually hear the music and not disturb his cat.

Quickly, he sped up towards the glass door of the corner shop.

Well, to be fair it wasn't really a corner shop. It wasn't even in a corner, it was just that shop you get at a petrol station, but there are two ways to get about and either way.

In the corner of Steven's eye he saw a peculiar boy, with spidery spiked up hair and red lipstick smeared all over his mouth, some even going onto his chin. 

"So you both wasn't dating?" Sheila asked again, "No we most certainly was not." Steven answered through gritted teeth getting quite agitated.

"So you weren't dating?" Sheila asked for the millionth time. "No, oh your lipstick is smudged!" Steven changed the subject, "Oh my god! I've got to go fix it!!" Sheila practically screamed in a high-pitched noise, as she ran off to.. well, we might or might not find out about that later. But for now let's focus on Steven for the last few seconds.

As Sheila took off, Steven sighed a sigh of relief and his body was less tense. He could finally stop clenching his teeth enough to not cause a headache and go to a trip to the dentist. 

He shivered at the thought of going there.

But still, he didn't trust himself to stop clenching his teeth fully.

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