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Further into the fog Steven fell, he could no longer see Robert but yet he was trying to catch up with him. By catch up, that of course means, following him.

"Steven? Are you still there? Hello? Are you still there?" Robert asked slightly worried.

To which Steven was surrounded by fog that predicted he'd need 13 more pairs of glasses in order to see within the fog.

Steven looked back onto when he expressed his nature of putting gladiolus in his back pocket and wearing woman's blouses. To which his dad most certainly did not approve of. 

'God, why do I have to remember this to make matters worse? It's already enough torture thinking about Robert. Oh, how I bare the thought of his name! Such a basic name.. ew!' Steven thought, yet he loved Robert. And he still does. He just won't admit it because well, it's Steven we're talking about.

He thought about confronting someone who criticised him with it, along the lines of 'When you said 'Do as I do and scrap your fey ways.' Dial-A-Cliché.', but the thought of having to get out of bed and having to get on the bus put him off. 

'Grow up, be a man, and close your mealy mouth.' Steven's father promoted  to him during the nature of the gladiolus in Steven's back pocket. 

"Dial-A-Cliché!" Steven said to Robert calmly, like a undercover spy telling another undercover spy the secret safe word.

"Dial-A-Cliché?" Robert questioned, raising an eyebrow upwards while continuing the scene.

"Dial-A-Cliché." Steven confirmed while slightly winking with a smirk and turning his head in the slightest turn, while finishing the scene. 

"If a man was out in the woods but a tree fell on him and there was someone else on the other side of the tree, do you think he'll get his eyes bruised and will any spiders go in his ears?" Robert asked randomly.

"But the person underneath where does he go? Does he slide by the wayslide? Or does he just die?" Steven asked in return.

Steven found a note in one of his notebooks to which read 'And you find that you've organised your feelings, for people who didn't like you then and do not like you now.' to which that hit him hard. 

It was too close to home and too near the bone.

Steven thought about what he was going to say to someone who criticised him, if he ever got the chance to speak to them. 'But still you say, 'Do as I do and scrap your fey ways.' Dial-A-Cliché.' He decided he'd say something like that to someone who criticised him, if he ever got the opportunity to speak to them. Which he would not like to.

'Grow up, be a man, and close your mealy-mouth.' As it repeats in Steven's head to what his father said to him quite often. Even now, in fact.

'Dial-A-Cliché.' Steven was quite proud of his new phrase.

"The safe way is the only way!" Robert mocked no one in particular.

"There's always time to change, son." Steven put his hand on Robert's shoulder.

 A beautifully pretty boy wearing eyeliner could be heard saying "Change your ways, while you're young." his voice was also gorgeous as well as his face.

'I've changed, but I'm in pain.' Steven observed correctly, his eyes were threatening him to close and he was lacking energy quite quickly.

'Dial-A-Cliché.' He had no energy to left. His eyes closed.

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