Late Night, Maudlin Street

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Steven wished so dearly that winter would push on, as winter is so long. It kept repeating in his head 'Oh winter push on, winter is so long, winter moves on.' , he quite obviously did not like the winter, as well he had two reasons: Winter is so long, and there wasn't many gladiolus around, and he hated being cold.

He had to force himself to go to his favourite record shop 'Must get there..' he told himself inside his head. 'Too cold.. must get there.. the last night on Maudlin Street.' He told himself.

He managed to get to his favourite record shop with the desired effect of not being able to feel his body.

He entered the record shop after almost freezing to death out in the cold.

He was welcomed by the gorgeous smell of CDS and records. Yes you can smell them.

'Now I know how Joan Of Arc felt, as the flames rose to her Roman nose.' Steven thought, 'Wait that does not sound quite right, that is on purpose yep.' Steven also thought.

He looked around, and selected his chosen CDS and records and did the stuff that you do, like buying them.

Although he did want the Shoplifters Of The World to Unite & Take Over, he is not a shoplifter. Especially not in a precious record shop. A terrible sin while in a record shop.

After his goodbyes to the record shop he went straight home. As this was his last night on Maudlin Street.

He arrived home. 'Goodbye house, goodbye stairs.' He thought to himself.

He went up into his bedroom and picked up some gladiolus and put some in his back pocket of his jeans, some in his hand. 

Steven went downstairs and jumped into the kitchen as if he was the MI5 breaking into somebody's house. 

He robbed the cupboards and put the gladiolus in his hand into his back pocket of his jeans. Steven grabbed as many snacks as he could and so he carefully fled the crime scene and carefully walked up the stairs trying not to drop any snacks but he was failing miserably at that.

He dropped some snacks and then he'd try and pick them back up with his feet, which resulted him into nearly falling out the stairs backwards. So he just decided to carry some of them onto his bed and get the rest.

He dropped them onto his bed and skittered over to the stairs to retrieve the lost snacks.

He rescued the lost snacks and placed them on his bed.

Steven assigned the snacks into a picnic.

He went to put a record on and thought about his uneventful life while eating a Twix.

'I was born here and I was raised here and I took some stick here,' Steven thought while sighing dramatically. 

'Love at first sight may sound trite but it's true, you know.' Steven thought to nobody but himself, remembering Robert.

'I could list the details of everything you ever wore or said or how you stood that day.' Steven thought, he could remember everything to do with Robert.

Suddenly a got a knock on his door, 'Please please please do not knock on my door at anytime.' Steven thought.

'Lovely and so much to offer for a pleasantly soothing one-man-picnic.' Steven thought.

After about 4 minutes of him debating whether to answer the door or not, he eventually got up and walked down the stairs and braved himself to answer the door.

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