Bengali In Platforms

19 1 10

"So like this is my jewellery box! Great good treasure isn't it? It's got ooh look beads!! Rings.. that don't fit me," Robert gushed, "Then why don't you return the rings?" Steven asked.

"Why didn't I think of that? You know so much about these things!" Robert answered.

Steven's eyes looked around cautiously, "I honestly do not know." Steven replied.

"Why thank you, thank you, thank you, why thank you!" Steven added while bowing, doing that thing that performers do on stage when they've finished their performance and people throw roses and all sorts to them.

Steven turned on the tv already knowing that there'd be nothing to his particular interest playing. And so he was right, of course.

He debated through his head on whether to turn the tv off and put a record on, or whether to leave the tv on and do some writing. 'Well the record player and my collection, so far away.' Steven thought as he stretched an arm out dramatically towards his record player.

'Do I put a record on and turn the tv off or do I leave the tv on and do some writing? Ah, decisions. It's so far away though!' Steven thought to nobody but himself. As Steven was trying to decide what to do, he could just about hear the tv, to which someone in the film said something like: "Bengali, Bengali Bengali, Bengali."

To more of Steven's suffering it, for reasons unknown, brought Steven back to memories with Robert. Steven sighed in misery and defeat. "No no no!" Steven muttered, hoping his mind would listen to him. He doubted it though. And his doubt was right.

"He does not want to depress you!" Steven sang, "Oh no no no no no!!" Robert sang as he did the backing vocals. "He only wants to impress you!" Steven sang, "Oh..." Robert sang, his voice fading off purposely.

Steven began to feel a great wave of sadness wash over him. More greater, and sadder than normal.

This always happened whenever he looked back on memories with Robert.

If only,  A wish too late.

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