Where are they now?

Start from the beginning

Reverend became a brilliant priest over the years and gathered a flock of his own, he gave up the drink and was incredibly happy to have found his place in the world and know they god never really gave up on him. Reverend often thought about the gang but, not a lot it was a rough time for him and he knew it was best to leave that in the past but, the friendships he had would always remain close to his heart.

Josiah returned to his family and fled he wanted to keep them close to him and keep them together he couldn't loose them not after what happened. When the five years had gone by he was in a small little village down south and would still engage in a casual scam but, nothing that brought him too much attention. Josiah knew he couldn't afford to loose his family, they mattered more than his own life but, found out in his own way that everyone in the gang were okay and that made him happy to know that.

Dutch was in the mountains, Dutch formed another gang and he grew out his beard and hair to make him more unnoticeable. Dutch's inner demons invaded his brain on a daily basis, everyone who he believed left him was a traitor in his eyes, All he ever saw was red and betrayal,Y/N came into his mind regularly she broke his heart in a way not even Annabelle did, it angered him to know she was Arthur's and it angered him more that he'd most likely never see her again. There was nothing now in his eyes anymore, no soul just and shell of his former self. Dutch didn't care who he killed and now never gave a reason for his actions.
There was nothing in his eyes but, darkness and emptiness.
That was now his life the metaphors didn't matter anymore and he no longer had a grand plan, the Dutch in the past was gone and the ashes of his former self spread when he left Arthur alone on the cliff side 5 years before.

Hosea stayed with Arthur, he was an old man and wanted a calm life he wanted to be around the people he cared about he stayed in his own house Arthur built for him and would spend most of his time fishing by the lake or would help teach Arthur's child how to read.
Hosea built a small shrine for his Bessie, he would often go to it on his way to fishing and his way back. Bessie consumed his thoughts day and night, how someone so perfect in his eyes was allowed to be with him was the most befuddling thing, given who he was at the time but, he'd like to think now he was better person and that she'd be proud of him. Hosea knew at the end she'd be there waiting for him. Which made him happier in a way that made him sleep better at night.

Finally Arthur and Y/N, Arthur got a job working as at a ranch it was honest work and he actually enjoyed it and during the five years worked his way up as the owners right hand man. Y/N worked as a nurse using her elixirs and medicines to help people. Arthur had built their home just in time before their daughter was born,he married Y/N and gave her the ring Mary gave back to him in her letter, Y/N was his wife and their daughters name was Sofia and Arthur loved his little family. Y/N and Arthur where now living in a warm county and they put some space between them and the chaos, they happened 5 years earlier, their daughter was now 4 years old and one day Arthur was on his horse heading back to his house after a long day of work.

Arthur heads to the local story and buys a news Paper then heads on home.
Arthur walks in and was immediately tackled to the ground by his daughter.
Sofia giggled.
"Pa! Pa! Look what I did today."
Sofia says holding up a drawing.
"That's amazing Sofia.. you did this all yourself?"
Arthur asks her.
Sofia nods happily.
"Well that is an amazing picture of a horse Sofia. Come on let's go see your mother."
Arthur says as he picks up Sofia and takes her in the kitchen.
Y/N had finished plating up the stew and greets Arthur with a smile.
Arthur bends down and gives her a quick kiss.
"Good evening love."
"Hey Mr, here's your dinner."
Y/N says and she picks up Sofia placing her at the table with a small bowl of her own and keeps an eye on her as she eats.
Arthur takes the bowel and reads the news paper, Y/N was helping and checking on Sofia and Arthur's face became clouded in frustration and anger reading the paper.
Once Sofia was done eats Y/N told her to go play in her room and Y/N looked at Arthur.
"Arthur what's wrong?"
Arthur sighs and gives her the paper.
"Read that."
Arthur says in annoyance.
Sophie takes the paper and reads the column Arthur pointed too.

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