He hooked the corner of his mouth and looked at He YunTing again, the other's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed thoughtful. He did not want He YunTing to be bothered, so he took the initiative to say, "We're leaving tomorrow, so General should be very busy now. It's already nice to be told happy birthday," Lin Han said, "there's no need to prepare anything else."

"But," He YunTing spoke, his tone low and deep, as if making the simplest of statements, "...Mr. Lin, you haven't wished anything yet. I've heard people say before that shooting stars can grant wishes." He YunTing said.

Lin Han saw He YunTing holding the glass of water, his rough fingers rhythmically tapping the rim of the glass, making the water surface ripple in a circle, coinciding with his current rate of breathing. "Mr. Lin can try," He YunTing turned his face to look at him, "if it's possible, I may be able to help make it happen... I hope Mr. Lin's wish will come true."

This last statement finally sounded a bit of He YunTing's exclusive, awkward flavor, in the same vein as telling Lin Han to drink more hot water during his heat. He didn't know that making a wish was something one kept to themselves, and simply wanted to help him make it come true.

Lin Han looked at He YunTing and had many questions gradually piling up.

For example, 'What exactly do you think of me?'

'Why are you being so nice to me again?'

But then he remembered the emptiness he had read during He YunTing's susceptible period, the words he had asked on impulse, and the other's 'I don't know' so Lin Han couldn't ask again.

Lin Han looked at He YunTing for a long time, and only when he saw that the other finally looked away uncomfortably, did he close his eyes.

Three seconds later, Lin Han reopened his eyes, smiled at He YunTing, and said, "Okay".

The other didn't understand why Lin Han didn't want to say what he wanted, but didn't ask in the end, staying in his room for a while longer before preparing to leave. Before He YunTing left, he confirmed with Lin Han one last time, "If Mr. Lin really doesn't want to participate in the fourth round of practical training, it's not too late to withdraw."

"General, this is my job." Lin Han looked at him helplessly, but still asked curiously, "But approximately how long does the training take? I'll get some more nutrients."

He YunTing thought for a moment, "If everything goes well, about half a month."

Lin Han nodded, and after He YunTing left, he started to prepare. He hadn't been to too many places, he had lived in the Q District with his mother when he was a child, and came to the Core District when he grew up, and had only seen other places on the video and news.

The border area sounded a little scary, but he was vaguely excited to see a different night sky.

Early the next morning, the base was on full alert.

Whether participating or not, all soldiers put on their solemn formal uniforms and stood straight for the final preparations before boarding the ship.

Lin Han didn't belong to any of the squads and only stood outside the grounds.

Wen TianYao was indeed there as he said, but since the base warship was to be activated, even if he was of royal blood, he had to board the ship together with everyone else. He was dressed in a dignified fancy dress, with delicate royal flip-flops on the cuffs and collar, and stood not far from the square, without saying a word.

Even though it was only a drill, the activation of the warship was about the same as a march, and the soldiers would take an oath of loyalty to the Empire before they left, to live forever.

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