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Isabella's POV

"There we go." I say as I finish tying Blake's skates then I look up at my girl.

When I look up at my girl I see her nervously fiddling with her hands

"Hey." I say as I quickly get off the floor and sit next to my wife on the couch in Talia's office here in Madison Square Garden. "Talk to me baby."

"I...I'm scared." Blake says.

"Of doing what we're doing today, or..." I say.

"Both." Blake says as she sniffles so I quickly move her to sit in my lap then I wrap my arms around my girl.

"Speak what's on your mind babygirl."

"These last four weeks sucked ass." Blake says. 

It's April now and let's just say the month of March sucked massive fucking dick.

Blake's pregnancy got really tough and we almost lost our babies and I almost lost Blake, but for now the baby's are doing great and so is Blake.

I'm really hoping the babies are able to be born and we don't lose them and I don't lose my Blakey.

Unfortunately it's been told to us that this'll probably need to be Blake's last pregnancy.

I don't really know why because a lot of big words were used and I had no idea what they mean.

All I know is the woman I love is doing great and so are our babies.

"And I don't wanna lose the twins." Blake says.

"I know." I say. "But you heard the doctors, you heard Leah, and you heard my Mommy."

Leah and my Mommy were with us every step of the way last month and explained the stuff that was too complicated for me to understand.

Blake understood all of the stuff, but Leah and my Mommy explained the stuff because Blake was upset and couldn't speak.

"There isn't anything we can do to prevent something happening, but you're doing perfect now so in a couple months our little munchkins are gonna be here and we'll be a four person family." I say then I cup Blake's face and have her look at me. "Blake Ellender Salazar I love you so so much and I'm so fucking happy that I'll be raising kids with you."

"I love you too." Blake says. "And I really like being called "Blake Ellender Salazar."

"I love calling you that." I say with a smile then I softly kiss my girl. "Now what's got you worried about today?"

We have two more games before the end of the season, but the first one is a couple days away so Talia is having the players' families come to MSG for a family day where the kids and wives or girlfriend's can skate on the ice with their player.

"I don't wanna fall."

"Baby girl these." I say as I wiggle my hands. "Will not leave your body unless you tell me to let go."

"I...I...I...I don't think I can do it." Blake says. "I trust you, but I..."

"Well what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Umm...." Blake says then she blushes and grounds herself onto my pants covered dick.

"Aww." I tease. "Is my pretty slut still horny."

Blake woke up today in a very horny mood."

"Maybe." Blake mumbles.

"Well you know we haven't started training for our future show at Secrets." I say.

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