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Isabella's POV

"You ready Waffles?" I ask as I look at my doggy.

Waffles woofs so I scratch her head then we get out of the car.

Once out of the car I grab my bag from the backseat, close the doors, lock my car then Waffles and I head to the locker room here at Madison Square Garden.

Tonight Is my first game of my NHL career and we're playing the Vancouver Canucks.

When we get to the locker room I hug Ezra and Kendrick then I put my stuff in my locker, change out of my suit, and take off my rings, necklaces, earrings, and nose ring.

Once I'm jewelry free, I put my jewelry, phone, and wallet in my safe that's in my locker then I put on some shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt.

After I'm dressed in some relaxed clothes, I grab my three hockey sticks and my tape that I put on the blade then Waffles and I leave the locker room and head out to the bench.

Talia re-worked the tunnel system a bit so that instead of having to cross the ice to get to our bench, our tunnel leads right to our bench which is very nice.

When we get to the bench, Waffles and I sit down on the bench then I tape up my stick blades with pink hockey tape.

After I tape up my stick blades, I flip the sticks around and tape the handle's up with white hockey tape.

Once my sticks are all taped up, I rest them against the boards then I wrap my arms around Waffles and hug her for a minute.

"Alright girl." I say as I break our hug. "Let's head back."

Waffles woofs so I grab my sticks then we head back to the locker room.

Before we get to the locker room, we walk into the Service Dog bathroom then I stand guard as Waffles does his buisness.

After Waffles does her buisness, I pick up after her then I wash my hands before we head to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I put my sticks in my locker, grab my football, and head out to the tunnel underneath the stadium where there's room then I start juggling with the football while Waffles lays down behind me.

Over the next few minutes, 8 of my teammates join me and we try our best to keep the ball in the air.

"MEETINGS IN 10." Someone from the locker room shouts so we stop playing keepy ups, I grab my ball, then all of us head to the locker room.

When we get to the locker room I put my football up then Waffles and I follow Ezra to the Defensive meeting room for our meeting.

After our 20 minute meeting, we head back to the locker room to get ready then I grab the stuff I wear under my pads and jersey then Waffles and I head into the bathroom and head into one of the stalls.

Once in the stall I take off my shorts and boxers, put on my compression shorts that have a cup in them, and I put on my sports bra then I put on my black Army long sleeve shirt that I wear under neath my pads every game.

After I'm dressed in my underwear I gather my stuff and head back to my locker.

When I get to my locker, I put the stuff I changed out of in my locker then I put on my normal socks, my shinguards, and my hockey socks.

They may be called shin guards, but they protect my shins and my knees.

Oh and hockey socks are the long socks you see us hockey players wear.

They're normal socks just without the foot part.

Once my legs are dressed, I secure my hockey sock to my compression shorts with the velcro tabs then I put on my pants and my skates.

After my lower body is dressed, I tape up my knees and ankles so that my shinguards don't move around then I put on my shoulder pads and my elbow pads.

They may be called shoulder pads, but they protect most of the top of your body, front and back.

Once I have my upper body pads on I put on my blue jersey then I secure my jersey to my pants with the tie down strap.

Tie down straps are used to keep the jersey down so if you're in a fight or a scrum then nobody can try to pull your jersey over your face and sucker punch you.

After I secure my jersey, I put on my helmet, put on my gloves, and grab one of my sticks then I head outside to the hallway and wait for everyone to be finished getting dressed.

Once everyone is in the hallway, Waffles and I lead everyone to the ice.

When we get to the bench, Waffles hops up onto the bench and sits then I scratch her head.

"Good girl." I say with a smile making Waffles smile then I head out onto the ice and skate around our half of the ice.

As I skate around I see all of my teammates scratch Waffles's head before they step onto the ice which makes me smile.

Once everyone's on the ice I stop at the bench and do some stretches while talking with my doggy.

I do most of my stretching at home before I come to the arena then I also do some during our defensive meeting and now these are just my last minute stretches.

When our warmup time ends, Waffles and I head back to the locker room with my teammates.

Once in the locker room I sit down in my locker.

"Where are my other sticks?" I question as I take off my helmet.

"The equipment people grab them all while we're out warming up and put them in the stick rack." Ezra says.

"Oh." I say then I relax and listen to Coach Nash's last minute talk.

After Coach Nash finishes his talk, I put my dark brown curly hair up into a low bun then I put on my helmet, put in my black and gold mouth, and my gloves.

Once I'm ready to play, Waffles and I head out to the hallway and wait with my teammates for us to be introduced.


After we are announced the crowd cheer then we head out onto the ice.

Once on the ice I skate around my half once then I head to the boards by our bench and scratch my dogs head.

Waffles's gonna sit with our back up goalie since he never moves during the period so my doggy won't be in the way.

After I scratch Waffles's head, I skate away from the boards, look up at the box where my friends and family are sitting, then I wave at them.

My friends and family wave back then I skate over to my spot on the blue line and stand while the anthem is sung.

When the anthem finishes Kendrick and I skate back to Ezra and do our handshake then Kendrick and I skate to our spots for the face off while Ezra stays in his crease.

"Alright people." I mumble. "Let's get this show on the road."

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