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Isabella's POV

"So where's the Super Bowl this year?" I question as I look at the NFL Playoff teams.

I guess the NFL re-did the seeding rules

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I guess the NFL re-did the seeding rules.

"The Patriots stadium." Kaipo says.

"Ooh that'll be cold." I say as I look up from my phone and watch the game.

Tonight is the College football National Championship game which is contested between the Colorado Buffaloes and the Army Black Knights.

My family and I are watching in a suite

"If you get there I hope I can go." I say.

The Super Bowl is two days before the first World Cup group game.

"I bet they'd let you since it's like an hour away." Tolani say.

"Gotta get there first." My Dad says.

"Yeah." Kaipo and Tolani say

"Don't you have to go do the sideline show thing?" Blake asks.

"Shit." I say then I sip on my drink one last time before I stand up. "Come on Waffles."

Waffles woofs then we leave our suite.

Once out of the suite, Waffles and I are greeted by someone from ESPN then my doggy and I are lead down to the field for the sideline thing we're doing.

A guy named Pat McAfee has a daily show on ESPN and he and his co-hosts are doing a watch along while they're on the sideline.

I was asked to be on the show for a few minutes and I said yes.

Once we get down to the sideline I get mic'd up then I stand with Pat and A. J. Hawk, one of his co-hosts while Waffles sits at my feet.

"Good girl." I say with a smile as I scratch my doggies head.

"Welcome back America." Pat says. "Joining us now is someone who's taking the NHL be storm, someone who hits harder than some footballers, has served our country, and who's brothers have dominated the college game this season and the NFL."

Nice intro.

"Please welcome Isabella Salazar." Pat says.

"Hello." I say.

"How you doin?" Pat asks.

"Well the Colorado punter just pinned Army at the one so I'm not too good at the moment." I say.

"Well it was a phenomenal punt." Pat says as I see Andrés giving Omari the signal for their special play as they walk onto the field.

"This is gonna be a fun play." I say.

"What play is it?" A. J. asks.

"Let's just say they're gonna meet us in the end zone." I say.

We're stood behind the end zone.

"Ooh." Pat says then Army snap the ball.

After the ball is snapped, Andrés hands the ball off to Omari then my youngest brother sprints through the line and sprints all the way down field to the End zone right in front of us.

Once Omari scores he runs over to us then he scratches Waffles' head and hugs me.

"They still suck." Omari says.

Army and Colorado played earlier in the season and Omari ran all over them.

"Yes they do." I say as we break our hug.

"Hey dudes." Omari says then he goes and celebrates with his teammates.

"He runs like that and knocks people out on defense?" Pat asks.

"Yeah." I say with a smile. "Yeah he does."

- - - - -

"I thought Colorado was supposed to be good." Kendrick says as we relax in the away dressing room here in Vegas.

The only reason I was able to go to last night's national championship game is because we play in Vegas tonight against the Golden Knights.

Army won the national championship last night after destroying Colorado 49-10.

"Same." I say as I look at the World Cup Projections that were just released.

We're projected to finish fifth?

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We're projected to finish fifth?

Have they fucking seen our roster?

"Look out everyone." Auston says as he walks into the locker room.

"What?" Ezra questions as I lock my phone then some dudes in suits walk into the locker room.

"Who the fuck are you?" I question.

"Why are you all here?" Coach Nash questions.

"Can we answer Isabella's question first?" Alexis asks.

"They're lawyers who work for the NHL." Coach Nash says.

"We need Isabella's help." One of the dudes says.

"With what?" I question.

"We need you to say something positive about how the league handles..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there and say no." I say.

A black player on the San Jose Sharks was racially abused by some fans in Houston and the league didn't do a fucking thing to punish the fans.

"I'm not some cardboard cut out you can roll out to smooth everything over whenever the NHL has a scandal." I say. "This league needs to fucking change, but it won't because the majority of the owners don't give a fuck so maybe the league being shit on will help spark change."

"I mean it is pretty fucking wild that the league hasn't addressed Carter being racially abused." Kendrick says.

"I need to get dressed." then I grab the stuff I wear under my pads and jersey then Waffles and I head into the bathroom and head into one of the stalls.

Once in the stall I take off my shorts and boxers, put on my compression shorts that have a cup in them, and I put on my sports bra then I put on my black Army long sleeve shirt that I wear underneath my pads every game.

After I'm dressed in my underwear I gather my stuff and head back to my locker.

When I get to my locker, I put the stuff I changed out of in my locker then I

"Talia's gonna have a fucking field day when she hears about what those lawyers did." Mika Zibanejad says.

After Talia bought the Rangers she gave all the players her number and she has monthly meetings with just the players to address stuff that needs to be addressed.

"Yeah that's going to be a fun phone call." I say. "A very fun phone call." 

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