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Isabella's POV

"You ready?" Blake asks as she walks into our closet.

"Yeah." I mumble as I finish tying my tie then Blake stands in front of me

"I've wanted to see you in your fancy Army uniform since I saw it, but not like this." Blake says as she adjusts my tie

My friend Jerome's funeral is today and he's being interred at West Point Cemetery.

"Is this how my life's gonna be?" I ask. "All my friends dying."

"Hopefully not." Blake says then I see her look at the list that says the names of everyone who died on the Iraq mission last year.

I used this list in court and I found it when I was clearing out space for Blake's stuff

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I used this list in court and I found it when I was clearing out space for Blake's stuff.

"You ready?" Blake asks

I nod and kiss my girlfriend then I grab my stuff and follow Blake and Waffles out of our closet, out of our room, and downstairs.

Once downstairs we meet up with Kiara and Sansa then the four of us leave the penthouse, get in the elevator and head up to the apartment buildings helipad.

The river is too choppy to take the boat and we'd be stuck in new york city traffic all day if we tried to drive to West Point so our only option to get to the funeral is by renting a helicopter so that's how were getting to the funeral.

Once on the helipad the five us quickly get onto the helicopter, buckle up, then the pilot lifts off and we head towards West Point.

20 minutes later we land at the West Point helipad.

Once we're on the ground the five of us get out of the helicopter then we make our way over to the golf cart that Omari and Andrés are sitting in.

"Hey dudes." I say

"Hey." My brothers say then I hug my brothers.

After I hug my brothers they hug everyone else then we get in the golf cart and Andrés drives to the cemetery.

"How do the cadets and the Army as a whole view you given the legal stuff you went through?" Blake asks.

"Almost all of them are on my side and think I did the right thing." I say. "And they think I did the right thing by the families of the deceased soldiers and gave them their soldiers' share of the money."

"How much money?" Blake asks.

"Uh between the Army lawsuit and the Fox Lawsuit everything equaled around 5 billion." I say. "Each family received around 225 million dollars."

"Five billion?" Blake questions.

"Yeah I don't know how the judges came up with the numbers they did, but that far exceeded our expectations " I say.

"Wow." Blake says. "Do you have to head to the airport straight after the funeral?"

"No I'm gonna leave in the morning." I say. "It's a quick flight to Buffalo and the Solo's are gonna let me use their plane to fly there."

Tomorrow's the first game of our 7 game road trip.

On our road trip we play the Buffalo Sabers, the Chicago Blackhawks, the Colorado Avalanche, the LA Kings, the Vancouver Canucks and the Calgary Flames.

I'm especially excited for the LA game because I get to meet Blake's family.

"Good." Blake says. "I get one more night of snuggles."

I chuckle then I see we're pulling in to the cemetery.

When we get to the part of the ceremony where the funeral is taking place I let out a deep sigh.

"Today's gonna suck." I mumble as I love on Waffles. "Today's really gonna suck."

- - - - -

"Alright you." Blake says as she comes into our bedroom holding a folding chair.

"Are we having a wrestling match?" I question.

"What? No." Blake says. "This is for our shower."

"Our Shower?" I question.

"Mhmm." Blake says as she puts the chair down then she crawls onto the bed and lays on me. "Today was a very shitty day."

"You can say that again." I say. "I hate funerals."

"As does most everyone Bella Boo." Blake says. "So now your fine ass is gonna sit on that chair in the shower and let me wash you."

"Is that an order?" I question with a soft smile.

"It is if you wanna love on my boobs later." Blake says.

"Oh you drive a hard bargain." I say. "But I accept."

"Yay." Blake says with a smile before she pecks my lips then we get out of bed and head into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom Blake gets the shower and chair set up while I take off my crop top, sweatpants, and boxers.

"I'll never get tired of seeing you naked." Blake says.

"Oh really?" I say with a smile.

"You have big titties, a big dick, a beautiful face, a fat ass, and tattoo's that make you look so sexy." Blake says then she playfully groans and puts her head in-between my boobs. "You're perfect."

I smile at my girl then I tilt her head back so we're looking at each other.

"I'm nowhere near perfect, but thank you for the compliment." I say.

"Well you're perfect for me." Blake says making me smile.

"Can I tell you something?" I question.


"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." Blake says with a smile then she pulls me down to her and softly kisses me.

After we kiss, Blake undresses then we get in the shower.

"Now you sit your cute but down on the chair and let me work." Blake says.

"Yes Ma'am." I say with a smile then I sit in the chair and let the water hit my hair.

Once I'm sat down my girlfriend begins washing my long curly hair.

Blake and I take showers together a lot so I'm guessing she knows how I wash my hair.

"Why don't you sit on me so you're safer." I say then I pat my lap.

"Good idea." Blake says with a knowing smirk then she straddles me so we're touching titties.

"Ahhhh." I say in ecstasy as I wrap my arms around my girlfriend while she continues to wash my hair. "Perfect."

Blake chuckles then I look at her small baby bump.

"Are they being good to you?" I ask.

We just found out we're having twins.


"The morning sickness is over so they're being very good to me." Blake says.

"Yay." I say. "I can't wait to meet them."

"Me too." Blake says as she massages my shampoo into my scalp.

"Thank you for this Blake." I say then I lock eyes with my girl.

"You're welcome Isabella." Blake says with a smile then she frowns. "This road trips gonna suck."

"Yes it will Blakey." I say. "Yes it will." 

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