Chapter Fifty One | LILY POV

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Arriving at Wolf Creek Manor and I am in aww.

This will be our future home?

So much to take in these last couple of weeks, a shock to everything I once knew.

Daniel opens my door and I exit to see a woman who looks like Daniel and a short but stocky man waiting.

"Mum, dad... meet Lily, my mate." Daniel announces nervously. I squeeze his hand to calm his nerves.

I should be the one nervous.

"Lily my darling, we have heard so much about you..." his mother announces bringing me into an embrace.

I look over to his father and he just nods to me.

Inside I am in aww of the stunning architecture of this manor. The exterior is Mediterranean. Inside is filled with elegant whites and neutrals.

We are led to the dining room where the staff is busy around us.

"So dear, tell me how did you both meet?" His mother asks me.

"Mum I already told you." Daniel snaps.

"Yes but I want to hear her point of view, it's always the better version." She whispers.

I grab the glass infront of me, filled with water and take a sip. "Well, he found me. I don't know if you knew but I didn't quite know I was a werewolf before I met Daniel."

"How couldn't you know? What were you brought up with pixies or something?" His father butts in.

"Human actually." I correct him, taken back by his coldness.

I don't think he likes me.

"So how long until we get some grandbabies?" His mother blurts out.

My face begins to heat at her words.

"Mum!" Daniel defends.

"It's completely natural." She confesses.

"Speaking of children, Daniel tells me your father was Floki!" His father begins only to be interrupted by Daniel. "Dad another time!" He roared.

The alpha continued, ignoring Daniel's pleas. "I wouldn't have killed him if I knew his only daughter was mated to my son."

You could hear a pin drop.

My eyes naturally flick to Daniel who seemed to avoid my eye contact.

Daniel knew about my father?

Yet I know nothing.

Floki. My fathers name was Floki.

A storm wells inside me as I feel a force shields my heart, disconnecting the in-sync heartbeat I once shared with my 'mate.'

Feeling betrayed my mind is clouded with so many questions.

Why did he hide this from me?

"Who else knows?" I don't know why I felt to ask that question.

"Lily.." he starts.

"Who else knows?" I demand feeling a primal roar escaping me causing all in the room to shudder including Alpha Black.

"Myself, my parents, Blade and...Harper.." he whispers.

Feeling my entire core cave in with sadness. Not only did my mate lie to me, so did my best friend.

I feel my eyes begin to blur before I stand up and leave the table.

Daniel tries to follow me but I boom - "stay away from me!" Causing him to stay back.

Escaping the house I begin to shred my clothes, tears pouring out of my eyes. I shift and jump off into the darkness.

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