Chapter Twenty Two | Lily POV

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Oh shit he is walking this way.

I feel too expose to be seeing him. I panic as he gets closer.

"Blade was just telling me he invited you girls down." He said as he reaches us.


I feel venom spew in my throat. I turn to glance at Harper, mortified she knew he'd be here.

What is she playing at?

She avoids my glare.

"Oh really, I didn't even know." I answer giving Harper another glance.

I sense disappointment come from Daniel, I feel bad.

"What are you guys training for?" I change the subject.

He gestures back to his team, "wolves training." He said.

I hear Harper choke on something.
Looking down at her worried she was dying to see a smile on her face.

What's that about.

One of his mates walk over to us.
"Lily this is Blade, Blade, Lily." He introduces us.

"Hi Lily," he starts then looks down to Harper, "hi Harper, nice to see you again." He said.

I look down at Harper is shock who was turning red.

She had already met him?

Why didn't she tell me?

By the looks of it, it looks like she likes him too.

"We better get back to training." Daniel says with a sound of disappointment in his voice.

"Bye." I say before he turns around.

Watching him walk away I feel a twinge in my heart. I didn't want him to go for some reason.

I eventually lay down on my towel my eyes on Harper.

"Harper!" I roar, she winces. "You knew they would be here? What is going on with you?" I whisper scream.

"I'm sorry, babe. I just wanted to see him again," nodding her head toward Blade.

"You like him?" I smile while questioning her.

She nods and we both squeal.

I look over and Daniel is staring straight at me as he takes his shirt off and tosses it to the ground. I quickly turn away but when my body urges me to look back he wasn't looking.

I find it impossible to resist looking at him as I watch him play the game.

He catches the ball as I watch his bulging biceps throw it back.

Looking further down, to his broad chest, he has a scar across one peck.

Down further toward his ripped stomach, my mouth waters a bit.

My eyes search that little further, hungry to see more only to feel disappointed he was wearing pants.

I felt a primal growl release within me, he instantly looked into my eyes, as if he was staring deep into my soul.

What the fuck did he just hear that?

Mortified, I look away.

"Harper, did I just make a noise?" I ask?

"What? No. You haven't said a thing since lover boy left." She replied.

Feeling relieved I take one more look before putting my glasses on and relaxing.

I think I like him.

Hey Guys,

Ooooh its getting hot down by the lake!

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Love Ophelia Blake x

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