Chapter 6: In Which Yigit arrives...with a bang!

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Tears blurred Sanem's vision as she stumbled away from the dock, her heart heavy with the weight of Can's words. Lost in thought, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, trying to process Can's decision to end their relationship and leave for the Balkans. Waving down a taxi on the other side, she stepped off the curb, her wavy hair bouncing as she made her way across the road, her eyes focused solely on the yellow cab.

"Lady, watch out!" The panicked warning barely reached Sanem's ears as she crossed the road, her thoughts so consumed by her own heartbreak that she didn't notice the car heading towards her.

"Lady, watch out!" The panicked warning barely reached Sanem's ears as she crossed the road, her thoughts so consumed by her own heartbreak that she didn't notice the car heading towards her

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The world seemed to slow down as it bore down on her. Suddenly, the screech of tires and the sickening crunch of metal against flesh jolted her back to reality as a car slammed into her. Pain shot through every nerve in her body as she was thrown into the air like a ragdoll, landing in a crumpled heap on the pavement.

The driver slammed on the brakes, but the impact was inevitable. The sound of screeching tyres filled the air as the car collided with Sanem, sending her crashing to the ground. Passers-by gasped and rushed to her side as he jumped out of the driver's seat, his heart pounding in his chest.

 Passers-by gasped and rushed to her side as he jumped out of the driver's seat, his heart pounding in his chest

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"Call an ambulance!" the tall man yelled, kneeling beside Sanem's crumpled form. Her delicate features were twisted in pain, and her eyes fluttered as she struggled to stay conscious. "Hang in there, " he urged, taking her hand. "Help is on the way."


"Can, it's Emre," the voice on the other end of the line was frantic, forcing Can's heart to race in fear. "It's Sanem... She's been in an accident."

"An accident?" he asked, his voice strained, as if the breath had been knocked out of him. "How? Where is she?"

 "How? Where is she?"

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