Adrien blushes and looks away, rubbing his neck nervously. "It's not that I'm shy, I just...don't want to right now."

Anna suddenly gasps. "No, wait! Oh my god, you're waiting for Marinette, aren't you? Did you know her parents are already here? They helped make a ton of pastries and other baked sweets. You're going to love every product. There's not one piece of sweet food that you'll hate. She told me that she'll only come if she gets her dress perfect. She makes clothes like your father does. I'm hoping her dress came out to her liking. I want her here so badly so you two can properly be introduced–"

"Anna," I cut her off, "You're rambling."

Anna giggles. "Sorry."

"Marinette?" Adrien repeats confused and unphased with the rambles. "Who's that?"

"The girl you danced with at the hotel on Halloween," Anna explains, then her eyes go wide. "Wait, did you not ask for her name?! She was the one wearing the ladybug outfit."

This time Adrien's eyes go wide. "Her name is Marinette? That's so beautiful. I asked you before at the hotel what her name was, but you didn't tell me–"

"That's because I assumed you would tell her yourself, silly," Anna burst into laughter. "I wanted to keep her mysterious for you. I sure hope she shows up. Because believe it or not," she nudges him playfully, "I hear she's pretty smitten with you too."

And I swear if eyes go wider than humanly possible, his certainly did. "She is?!" He's then smiling wide. "That's great! I–"

The doorbell suddenly rings, cutting him off. Anna opens the door and suddenly squeals in delight. Rapunzel and mine's jaws dropped. Because standing in the doorway is Marinette, wearing what appears to be a ladybug inspired dress. Speak of the devil and she appears.

"Marinette! Hello!" Anna gives her classmate a hug. "We were literally just talking about you like 5 seconds ago."

Marinette returns the hug but looks confused. "About me? I hope it was good things."

Anna giggles as she pulls away. "Of course!" She then admires her friend's dress. "And is this the finished project you were telling me about? Oh my gosh! It's so gorgeous! You look amazing. Doesn't she, Adrien?" She steps to the side so Adrien can look at his crush and Marinette gasps.

"A-Adrien Agreste?!" She stammers out, surprising us.

Adrien awkwardly waves. "Uh...hello."

I thought she remembered him from Halloween, but then I realized, according to Adrien, that he never got her name, so perhaps she didn't get his either. So how does she know him? Maybe she got his name, but he just didn't get hers. Maybe–

"You know his name already?" Anna asks Marinette, then turns to Adrien. "I thought you guys didn't–"

"Of course I know his name!" Marinette interrupts, hysterically laughing. "He's only the most famous Parisian model to ever exist! I...uh...I'm a big fan." She's blushing harder than I've ever seen anyone blush before and extends her out for him to take.

Adrien happily shakes it. "It's always nice to meet a fan. I'm definitely not as well known here in the States like I am there in Paris. don't remember me from anything else?"

Marinette suddenly looks horrified. "Oh my gosh, no, I'm sorry. I only know you from modeling. Have you done other things? I would love to hear more about them."

So she doesn't know he was the guy in the cat costume that she danced with. How cute. It's like a Cinderella moment. It's like how Jack and I first met. Dare I say it but...I definitely ship it. Ugh, Anna's rubbing off on me again.

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