Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Barry & Miles)

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Scene 13

It's now 3 pm. Miles is hanging out with Barry today. They're back at the town square where the annual ice cream tour is going on. There are a variety of different stands that sell ice cream.

"Geez, Barry," Miles said. "I've never seen this much ice cream around here." Barry was telling Miles that he usually comes here to get new ideas for Sweet Justice. "Since there's usually new vendors that arrive, I try to find inspiring ideas for Sweet Justice," Barry said. "It's a good help for business after all."

As Barry is telling Miles this, he pulls out a notebook called, "Recipe Ideas" and takes out a pen. "So this is where you get new ideas for your sweets?" Miles asks. Barry nods his head yes. "Don't you think that's stealing ideas instead of coming up with some of your own?" Miles asks. Barry pondered what Miles said. "Well, not exactly," Barry said. "It's not stealing unless it were to be modified in its way. It would be stealing if it was exactly the same." Miles had thought about this and was thinking that Barry could be right. But he knows he's also right.

"Come on," Barry said. "Let's go check out some sweets." They walk right into the Ice Cream Tour. They look around to see many dessert combinations. From chocolate chip banana to mint strawberry, there were a lot of flavors to discover. Barry kept jotting ideas down in his head for some inspiration. Miles helped Barry out a bit for him to get more ideas.

As they continue, Miles sees a stand that's out of sight. It was the first root beer ice cream. As Barry was talking to himself about the flavors he could combine, Miles was trying to get Barry's attention about the root beer ice cream. Barry looks up to see the flavor. "Barry, we need to try this," Miles said. Barry nods in agreement. They go over to taste-test the flavor. It was incredible to taste.

"Wow," Barry said. "I need to find out how to make this. It's really good." Barry tries to figure out the taste quality of the flavor, but can't figure it out. Miles might be able to determine the taste of the flavor, but he couldn't get it either. Barry looks down in disappointment. Miles tries to comfort him.

"Hey, Barry, it doesn't matter if you can get it right," Miles said. "You can always try to come up with it yourself." Barry understands what Miles is trying to do, but it's not working for him. "Miles, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it's just not helping me," Barry said.

That's when Miles had an idea. He grabs Barry's notebook and writes down Root Beer Ice Cream flavor with possible ingredients in mind. As he writes it down, Barry sees the progress he's making. He was impressed with Miles's skills. "And to end it off, Root Beer extract," Miles said. "There. I think I got the ingredients." He gives the book back to Barry and Barry reads it at super speed.

"Wow, Miles," Barry said. "This is awesome! I had no idea you had a great taste palette. How'd you get the ingredients so fast?" That's when Miles told him that his mom cooks the most delicious recipes from home. Mostly dinner meals, sometimes desserts. He can distinguish the different tastes within the recipe, making it easy to find. Barry was impressed by Miles's taste.

"Miles, you seem to have a gift," Barry said. "Not just in art, but in taste also." Miles thanked him and told Barry that he needed to have a creative mind, not just by looking at what other people do, but at what you can come up with. This puts Barry in a better mood.

As they still had the root beer ice cream, they took a photo together as a memory of what their day was like. Barry sends it to Miles and then to his group chat. Miles then sees a clock over Barry, and the time says 3:55. Miles is in shock by the time. "Oh no," Miles said. "I'm supposed to meet Babs at the mall in 5 minutes. I'm gonna be late. She's probably gonna kill me." That's when Barry had an idea.

"I can get us there in no time, Miles," Barry said. Barry asks Miles to hop on his back. "You sure this is a good idea?" Miles asked. Barry was positive about his idea. Miles gets on, and Barry starts running at super speed to Metropolis Mall.

Scene 14

We're overlooking Metropolis Mall. Barry and Miles arrive after their superspeed run. As they get to the mall, Miles looks for a trashcan to vomit in. After all that running Barry did, Barry went to go eat. Once Miles was done, he saw Barry eating and almost puked again.

"How is it that you don't get sick from running? And how can you eat after that?" Miles asks. Barry tells him he has a good metabolism. "Sorry if that was intense for you, Miles," Barry said. "I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. That, or I'd recommend bringing a bucket."

Babs comes walking out to the mall looking for Miles. She sees he's vomiting in the trash. She comes running over to him. "Miles, are you okay?" Babs asks. Miles said, "I'm fine. I was just running a bit behind, and Barry ran me over here. Not the smartest idea." He continues to hurl for a bit. Barry apologizes for what happened. He didn't want Miles to run late.

"Hey, it's not a big deal if you're only a few minutes late," Babs said. She goes to assist Miles after he's done vomiting. "Good thing I always come prepared for anything that could happen," Babs said. She takes out a wet cloth and wipes Miles's face. "Barry, be more careful next time, please," Babs said. Barry promises he will. "And for that, I'll give you and Miles sweets, on the house," he said. "Of course, after you feel better." Miles thanks Barry and says, "It's no problem, Barry. Just be more careful." He promises he will. "Thanks for a fun day, also," Barry said. "Getting some new ideas for Sweet Justice was awesome. You should come join me more often on these things."

Babs sees how excited Barry is, which also gets her in a good mood. "Wow, sounds like you had a great day, Barry," she said. He said, "It was the best day, and you get to try some of the new combinations I could come up with." Babs gets very excited by this. "I can't wait to try them!!" Babs said. She starts to jump up and down. Miles wasn't sure what was going on. "Well, anyway, you two go have fun now," Barry said. He runs off at super speed while Babs and Miles wave goodbye.

Babs goes to check on Miles. "You good?" she asks. He gets up and says, "Yeah. I'm good." Babs checks to make sure he's alright, which he is. "Sorry about that super speed part," she said. "I've been used to that for a long time now, but I see why you didn't like it that much. But at least you're doing better." Miles nods in agreement and softly smiles.

"So, ready to read some comics?" Miles asks. Babs gets excited to read some comics. They start to walk in the mall. As they walk, Miles asks, "So are you and Barry like a thing? Or just friends?" Babs explains that they are best friends. Not in a romantic way, but they are best friends. Then she asks, "Why do you say that?" Miles said, "I was just confused by the expression that you and him share. You seem to get along well. I wasn't sure if you and Barry were just friends or a couple." Babs tells him that she and Barry are just friends. Miles starts to understand this. They continue to walk into the mall to find the comic book store.

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