Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 11)

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Scene 11

Over at Zee's place, Miles is in shock to see her apartment building. It's all luxurious compared to his home.

"Zee, this is incredible," he told her. She gave a soft smile at him when he said that. "Thanks, Miles," she said. Her cheeks started to blush a little. "It's better than my place on my Earth," he said. "How did you even get this place? It seems expensive."

Zee looked at him and told Miles about her dad doing magic performances and how she got into these performances with him. She was his assistant in the performances. "Your dad is that good at magic?" he asked.

A mysterious figure then appeared. "I am the best of these performances, young man," the figure said. Miles turned around and was in shock to see that it was her dad, Giovanni Zatara. He had a cape on him, a magic wand, and white gloves. Zee walks up to hug her dad. "Hi Dad," she said. He hugs her back. "Hello my beautiful daughter," he said back. "So who is this young man you brought over?"

She lets go of him and introduces Giovanni to Miles. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Zatara," Miles said. He extends his hand out for a shake. Giovanni extends his hand as well. "Please, call me Giovanni," he said.

Miles was worried about meeting fathers sometimes, especially Gwen's dad. Her father wasn't keen on Miles when he first started dating Gwen. Mostly because he was protective of her. But Zee's father was nice to Miles. "So, what brings you here to Metropolis?" Giovanni asked.Miles was telling him how his dad got a job here at Metropolis as a cop. He talked about his hometown Brooklyn and the friends he had made. Giovanni was impressed with Miles. He then looked at the time. "Oh my, I'd better get going to my friend's magic show," he said. "You two enjoy yourselves. Will you be here the whole day?" Zee responds to Giovanni's question. She told him that she, Miles, and her friends were going to go to the boardwalk tonight. He tells them to enjoy themselves tonight and not to get into trouble. Giovanni walks out. Miles looks at Zee. "Your dad is nice," he said to her. "He's usually nice around people. He loves people," she said. "I'm guessing when you were with Gwen, you must have had a hard time with her father?" Miles agreed to what Zee said and told her about how he wasn't keen to begin with. She understood what Miles was saying. 

They both head to Zee's bedroom. "Say, Zee, I don't mean to ask, but do you have a mother around here?" he asks. Zee's smile goes to a look of depression. Miles quickly responds. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask, I just wasn't sure-" Zee puts a finger to his lips to silence him. "It's alright, Miles," she said. "I do have a mom, I just don't talk about her that much. She wasn't a kind person." She goes to sit on her bed. Miles joins her. He sees the look in her eyes and tries to make her feel better. "Zee, if you don't want to talk about it, I get it. I won't ask about it again," he said. She looks at him and she puts a small smile on her face, but still has a look of sadness in her eyes. "Thanks, Miles," she said.

Zee gets up and walks over to her mirror. She looks at a picture of her mother. Her smile fades away. She lets out a sigh before talking. "I never really knew my mother," she said. "What I know about her is that she's also magic, but not the good kind. She studied the darkness of magic, which is the one I can't control. Every time I think about the dark magic, I think that I will one day become my mother. My dad told me that she left me on my birthday when I was little and that she was a selfish human being."

A tear starts to fall from her eye. She tells Miles about what she had done on her seventeenth birthday to her friends. It caused her to break down into more tears. Miles rushes to her and comforts her. "The thing about dark magic is that it's controlled by negative thoughts," she said as she was in tears. "And whenever I think back to that day, I worry about who I would become. I try to balance out my good magic and my dark magic, but it's just so hard. That's why I can't control it."

She falls to her knees in tears. Miles crouches down to comfort her. "Zee, even though what you did was messed up, that doesn't mean that you will become your mom," he said. "I've only known you and everyone else for 2 days now, and right now, I think you are a kindhearted person. You shouldn't let those feelings get to you. What's in the past is in the past, Zee. Just move on to the future."

That's when Miles had an idea in his mind. "Maybe that's the reason you can't control the powers you have," he said. Zee looks to Miles with tears. "I'm not saying this in a bad way," he continued. "I'm saying the emotions are what controls your powers. Maybe we could try to keep your emotions from getting the better of you. This happened to me when I first became Spider-Man."

He told Zee the story about how he let his fear get the better of him, and that he couldn't control his powers from fear. Zee understood what Miles was saying. She gets up and runs over to him in tears. She puts him in an embrace. He hugs her back. "Thank you, Miles," she said. "You are a great mentor. Maybe even more than a mentor, a friend." Zee's expression of sadness turns back into happiness. Both continue this embrace until Miles and Zee's phones go off. They get a text from Babs in their group chat saying that she's getting off early and was wondering if everyone would want to go to the boardwalk earlier.

Both Miles and Zee look at each other. "I have no problem with going earlier," he said. "Why don't we go to where Babs works and we meet everyone there? It can't be that far from where she works, right?" Zee responded and said exactly what Miles had said. They both needed this after today. They get up, get their things, and head for the door. Before walking out, Miles asked if Zee was okay. She says yes. He puts on a smile and she returns it. They walk out the door.

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