Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Garth & Miles)

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Scene 10

We're out on the beach by the boardwalk of Metropolis. Garth is hanging out with Miles now.

"Hey, Garth, why exactly did you choose a beach on a cold day?" Miles asked. Garth sees Miles shivering. Even though Miles had a jacket on, he was still cold.

"Well, this is usually where I go to just relax a lot," Garth said. Miles still wasn't sure as to why a beach. "I probably should have told you to bring more than a jacket," Garth said. "Sorry, Miles." Garth smiles nervously. They look back out at the ocean.

Garth looks a little down. Miles sees the look in Garth's eyes. "Hey, is everything alright?" Miles asked. Garth looks at Miles and tells him how he sometimes wishes he could live out in the ocean with his partner, Aquaman.

"There's an Aquaman?" Miles asks. Garth tells him about Atlantis surviving in the ocean. "I thought the city of Atlantis was just a myth, but it's real here?" Miles asks. Garth was happy seeing that Miles was taking an interest in his abilities. Garth was always picked on at school a lot and didn't have that many friends to hang with. Seeing Miles taking an interest in him was something he needed. Garth continues to tell him about Atlantis and Aquaman.

"Anyway," Garth said. "When I came to Metropolis for school, it was hard for me to get along with people. Until I met the girls and the guys. But I've always wondered what it would be like to live in the city of Atlantis. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be better if I didn't go to Metropolis High. That's when I come here and look out at the ocean. It reminds me of the things that I can do here, and what I can accomplish. Just knowing what life can be like if things were different." He looks at Miles and asks him, "Do you ever feel that way sometimes?"

Miles lets out a sigh and says, "Sometimes I feel like my life could be different, but then there are those days when I appreciate what I have." He looks back out at the ocean. "I never would have made amazing friends when I met Gwen and everyone else," Miles said. "Just like you have an amazing life." Garth gives a genuine smile and looks out at the ocean. "I guess it's nice to be who you want to be," Garth said. They both shared a laugh and continued to stare out into the ocean.

Garth's mind slipped and he asked Miles to join in for a photo. The ocean was in the background of their image as they took the photo. Garth sends it to Miles and the group chat. Miles then asks if he can learn more about Garth's abilities, and Garth tells him more about his powers.

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