Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Miles & Jessica)

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Scene 1

Miles is chilling on the passenger side in the van, while Jessica is driving him to her protest. "Jess, this van is very comfortable. Is this yours?" Miles asks. Jessica tells him it's her mom's van. "My mother let me borrow it for today since the protest we're going to is on more the city side of Metropolis," she continued. "It's where there's not a lot of greenery."

Miles responds, "That doesn't sound like a nice place. Sounds like it's mostly city people." Jessica explains the story of how they destroy trees, plants, and flowers. Miles was shocked to hear the story. "That place could really use some greenery," he said. "That whole part of Metropolis sounds like a wasteland." Jessica laughed at Miles's response and agreed.

He sees a picture in the car of what he seems to think is Jessica's mother, but he sees two women in the photo. "Hey Jess, is that your mom in that photo?" Miles asks. She looks at the picture. "Actually, it's both of my mothers," she said. "I didn't have a dad when I was growing up. Just two moms. Which is fine with me."

Miles didn't judge her but asked if she had a dad. She wasn't sure if she did. "Well, I won't go into that topic," Miles said. "If you don't want to talk about it, of course. But I won't go into that topic." Jessica gave Miles a soft smile. "Thanks, Miles," she said. "Anyway, we should almost be there. My friends will be excited to see someone new in our protest group." 

Miles asked about her friends. But before she could answer, they already arrived at the protest group. Both Miles and Jessica get out of the van and grab the blank signs. "Hey everyone," Jessica said. "We ready for our protest?" Everyone nods and shouts in agreement. They see the blank signs that she's holding.

"Why are the signs blank?" one of the protestors asked. Jessica looks at the signs and realizes that they aren't ready. "Uh, well," she said stammering. "I was hoping we can work on them now before we walk downtown. Ehehehe." She was nervous. She wasn't sure how else to answer. That's when her friend, Pam Isley, also known as Poison Ivy, walked up to Jessica not amused with her response.

"You forgot to do the signs did you?" Pam asked. She looks down in disappointment. "Yes. I kinda forgot about them," Jessica said. "I was hoping to make these signs very creative for the people here, but I'm not as creative as I thought." Looking down at disappointment in herself, she felt like she couldn't do the protest.

Miles didn't want her to give up. He steps in to offer her help. "Jess, let me do the signs for everyone," he said. "If anyone has a creative side, it's me." Jessica looks at Miles still somber, but hearing his response puts her in a better mood. She gives a soft smile to him. Pam looks at Miles and asks, "And who are you?" Miles gives his name to Pam and he tells her that Jessica invited him to join.

"You brought an outsider to join also?" she asks. Jessica nods her head. "Jessica, I'm not sure about this guy," Pam said. "There's no way he could be one of us. For all we know, he could be a plant destroyer himself." Miles steps up for Jessica. "Don't blame Jess for this," he said. She looks at him with a surprised look. "Jess invited me because she wanted me to try something new," Miles continued. "I may not be like you guys, but I could be. Back from where I originally grew up, we have a lot of greenery, and that greenery is a symbol of our earth. Plants shouldn't be destroyed, they should be nourished and cared for. When someone doesn't treat a plant with respect, that's not okay with me."

Pam was shocked to hear this. Jessica was in a better mood when Miles stood up for her. "Wow," Pam said. "Jessica, you have a good friend here, and I can see that he is a plant lover like us. He can join if he wants." Jessica gives a soft smile again. First to Pam, then to Miles. "Thanks, Pam," Jessica said. She goes up to hug her, but Pam doesn't hug back. "Don't mention it," Pam said. "But what are we going to do about the signs?" That's when Miles said, "Leave that to me. Jess, I'm going to need your help." Jessica looks at Miles surprised and filled with joy.

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