Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 1-4)

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Scene 1

Back at the Secret HQ in Sweet Justice, Miles is showing Karen and Babs his watch that he uses for traveling across the Spider-verse.

"See, this watch allows me to travel to other Earths that are in the Spider-Verse," he explained. Both Karen and Babs were in a state of confusion because they had no idea what the Spider-verse was.

Karen asks about the Spider-verse, and Miles tells them how it's for all of the other Spider-men that exist within this universe. "Anyway, the watch must have some communicator on it. The only problem is, I'm not sure if it's going to work," Miles continued. "Since I figured that you two know more about tech than I do, you could help me figure this out."

Both Babs and Karen observe the watch. "This is so cool, yet very complicated. This tech is unlike anything I've seen," Babs said with excitement. "What kind of tech is this anyway?"Miles wasn't sure. Karen observes closer. "Well, judging by the tech, it seems as if it was from the future," she said. "Who made this?"

Miles recalls back to who initially made the watch. He knew who made the watch, but he didn't want to tell the part about the Spider Society and how Miguel wanted to stop him from saving his dad. He flashes back to when Miguel called him an anomaly. It caused him to become upset. He recomposes himself and says, "Well, let's just say it belonged to a friend of mine who didn't treat me kindly."

Babs and Karen saw the look in his eyes. They didn't want to ask about it because it seemed personal to him. 'It's alright if you don't want to discuss it, Miles," Karen said. "We understand."Miles thanked Karen, and they continued to work on the watch to see if they could find any communication of any kind.

Scene 2

On the other side of the HQ, Miles, Kara, Zee, Jessica, and Diana watch Miles get along with Babs and Karen. As they overlook them, Zee begins to speak. "I know he lied to us about his identity, but why did he?" Zee asks. Kara shrugged at what Zee said. Jessica and Diana knew why he did. "He could've had some bad experiences," Diana said. Zee didn't think that was the answer she was looking for.

"Well, we didn't know him that well," Jessica said. "We've only known Miles for two days as Spider-Man." Zee looked at Jessica thinking that she was right. Indeed, they've only known Miles for two days now, but they only know him through Spider-Man. "Would it be wrong to ask if we can learn more about him?" Zee asked. Jessica and Diana nodded in agreement that it wouldn't hurt to ask him.

Jessica goes over to Babs, Karen, and Miles. Kara, Diana, and Zee watched as Jessica walked over. When she got there, Miles was explaining more about the watch. "This button allows me to travel to other universes," Miles said. "There are many kinds of universes that are centered around Spider-Man. Like this one that's based in India with an Indian Spider-Man."

Jessica interrupts and asks if there's any progress. Not much luck. She then asks Miles to hang out with her and the others on the couch for a few. They wanted to ask questions about him. Miles didn't like where this was going, but he went with Jessica. As they begin to walk, they strike up a conversation. "Miles, Me, Zee, and Diana are curious to know a little more about your life, as Spider-Man and as you. Would it be alright with you if you talked about it with us?" she asked.

Miles thought about it, but he wouldn't mind telling her about bits of his life. He didn't want to reveal much detail about his experiences as Spider-Man, but he needed to let them know. As they get to the table, Zee asks him about the Spider-verse. She seemed to be curious about the Spider-verse. "Well, to answer your question, Zee," Miles said. "The Spider-verse is like the Multi-verse, except it revolves around one hero, and that hero is Spider-Man." He asks if he can have some paper and a pencil so he can show a diagram of the Spider-verse. Jessica gets up to go get them.

Scene 3

Babs and Karen are working on Miles's watch to get someone through. There hasn't been any luck. As they continue to work, Karen looks at Miles with a soft smile. She's seeing how he's getting along with everyone. She seems to care for Miles. When they first met, they had a lot in common.

Babs was talking to Karen, who wasn't listening and was focused on Miles. Babs tried to say her name many times, but Karen couldn't hear. "Karen, can you focus please?" Babs yelled. After hearing that, she snaps out of it. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" She asked Babs. Babs in frustration asks her to help her with the watch, and follows up with, "Are you alright?"

Karen was looking over at the clock and began to inspect it. "So why were you looking at Miles?" Babs asks. This causes Karen to turn red. "Well, to be honest, he's cool, and I kinda like him," she said. Babs's jaw then drops in a state of shock. "Karen, you've only known him for at least 2 days, and you already like him," she said. "Do you know how crazy that sounds?"

Karen looks at Babs unpleasantly. "Yes, I know I've known him for a few days, but I do like him. Not in love with him, but I like him. He's different somehow," Karen said. "I'm not sure how he's different, but he is different. I just want to get to know him better is all." To Babs's surprise, she sees why she wants to know Miles more. "Karen, I get that you want to get to know Miles more, but I don't know. He seems very secretive about his life," Babs said. "What makes you think he's good?"

After what Babs said, it sounded like she had a point. But she saw the good in Miles. There was no way he could be a villain. "Well, maybe he was brought here for a reason," Karen said. "What if the person he was fighting was trying to help him?" Babs started to question the idea that Karen had. Maybe he was brought here for a reason. "And let's not forget," Karen continued. "Miles saved my life, and he fought those villains of ours on his own to protect us. What makes you think he wouldn't save us?" She made a point to Babs.

As Karen was thinking about Miles, she found something on his watch. "Hey, what's this?" Karen asked. Babs comes to look and sees a blinking light. They look at each other, and then back at the light.

Scene 4

Back over at the table, Miles was explaining to Kara, Jessica, Zee, and Diana about the Spider-verse. He draws out a diagram about the other Earths that are around the Spider-verse. "So this is where my Earth is. Better known as Earth 1610. All these other Earths here are part of the Spider-verse," he explains. "Most of these Earths have a Spider-Man or Spider-Woman, but some other universes don't have one." He then points to Earth 42. "This earth doesn't have a Spider-Man. I know that because I've been to that universe before," he said. He thinks back to what had happened on that Earth, and what he's gone through. The girls looked at him with concern after he paused for a while.

"Uh, Miles, everything alright?" Jessica asks. Miles snaps out of his trance. "What? Oh, yeah. I'm alright. Just kinda lost my train of thought for a while," he said. As he's about to continue discussing the other universes, Karen calls them over and tells them they found a message that was on the watch.

As he gets up, he hears a familiar voice. It's Gwen. He runs over to the watch and tries to contact her. Babs shows Miles how he can get in touch with anyone. He then looks for Gwen. "Gwen, it's me, Miles. I'm alright," he said. "Pick up when you get this message. There's a lot we need to talk about."

Gwen immediately picks up and asks Miles if he's okay. He said he was okay. He also told her how he met some amazing people, and that they're willing to help in any way they can. Then Gwen responds with a not-good thing to say. "Well, Miles, there's a chance you might not be able to get back," she says. "Our watches can only travel from inside the Spider-verse. They can't go outside the Spider-verse."

Miles felt heartbroken when he heard the news. Most of the girls wanted to support him, but they knew that this wasn't the time.

Cut to Black

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz