Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Diana & Miles)

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Scene 12

Over at the park, Miles was looking for Diana. "This is the right spot, is it?" Miles asked himself. He called out her name, but she didn't answer. He was looking all over the place. He stops to rest under a tree and he hears his name being called.

"Miles, where in great Hera were you?" Diana asks. He looks up to see Diana in a tree. "I was looking for you. So that's where you've been?" Miles asked. She tells him to climb up the tree, but Miles is out of breath after looking for her for 5 minutes. Diana offers her hand to help him up. Using his powers, he sticks to the tree. As he gets up, he's still holding her hand. But it's stuck to her. "Uh, Miles, could you let go, please?" Diana asks. He loosens his tension and the sticky hold breaks. "Thank you, Miles," Diana said.

They both look out into the horizon to see the city of Metropolis. As they look out Diana says, "Isn't this the most beautiful scenery you've ever seen, Miles?" Miles tells her that he's seen a better view than this. "In Brooklyn in my universe, I can see more than this," Miles said. "I climb the tallest buildings and get a better view of all the buildings from where I start when I fight crime. It's even better when the sun goes down. I'll have to show you sometime." Diana smiles softly at his answer.

Miles asks "Why did you choose a park to meet up?" Diana had told him she knows what it's like to struggle with two identities and balancing out life. "Before coming to the world of man, I had some same struggles myself," Diana said. "I never understood this world and I was always trying to be what you call a hero. My Amazon warrior spirit was still inside me and I never learned how to balance things out or understand the world. I still don't to this day, but I always try to blend in. Balancing life is never easy." She looks at Miles with a soft smile. He looks back at her.

"Miles, when you came here, I could understand the struggle you had," Diana said. "I know how it feels to try and balance out your life, but not with your head, but with your heart." Diana puts her hand on his chest. "But you need to ask yourself what it is that you want," she said. "You're the one who decides what your balance should be, and you have us to help you with your balance." Miles softly smiled at Diana. She takes her hand off his chest.

"Thanks, Diana," Miles said. "You really are a great friend. You are wise, intelligent, and strong. I guess coming here and meeting everyone was the best thing to ever happen to me." Diana softly smiled at him. Then she asks if he wants to see the city from a better view. Miles agrees to this.

Miles gets into his Spider-Man outfit as Diana gets into her Wonder Woman outfit. They swing to the tallest building in Metropolis and climb to the top. Once up there, Miles gets a view of Metropolis. It's a beautiful sight to see. Diana is amazed by the sight.

"I've never seen this many buildings from up here," Diana said. Miles softly smiles. "It reminds me of a spot that I would go to whenever I need to think," Miles said. "Except I'm usually hanging upside-down." Diana laughs at this. "Miles, you are a delight to have," Diana said. "I'm glad you came here." Miles was happy hearing this.

"Just remember what I said to you," Diana said. And I promise your life will be easier. Not just as you, but as Spider-Man." Miles took that to heart. He promised Diana he would. This puts a smile on Diana's face. They both look out at the scenery.

"I believe this is a good spot to do what Babs calls a selfie," Diana said. "Could you possibly assist me with this? I don't have an idea how this works." He walks over and tells her, "Actually, I have a better idea for this photo." He takes her phone and sets it up on a box fan. He makes a tripod out of webs. Miles wants to get the scenery in the background of the photo. He puts the phone vertically, sets the timer for 5 seconds, and runs back to Diana for a photo.

"Smile," Miles said. The camera goes off. Miles grabs her phone and shows her the photo. "I think this came out great," Miles said. Diana looks at the photo and is pleased. "Karen was right," Diana said. "You are a very creative person in art." Miles smiled. The photo was of them with the city scenery in the background. Diana sends the photo to Miles and then to her friends. She puts her phone away and looks at Miles in a great mood.

"Miles, did our talk help you feel better about yourself?" Diana asks. Miles said, "Much better. That talk really helped. Thanks, Diana." He goes up to hug her. She returns the embrace. They let go of the embrace and they continue to look at the scenery. "Does New York look like this when you go this high?" Diana asked. Miles tells her it's even better where I go.

"I think you'd like New York a lot," Miles said. She smiles softly. The bond that Miles and Diana shared grew stronger. When they first met, their bond was strong, but now it's gotten stronger. They continue to look out into the scenery.

Fade to Black

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