Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 5-7)

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Scene 5

Miles looks concerned. "Wait, so there's no way of getting me back?" He asks Gwen. She didn't respond because she didn't want to get him upset about the possibility of not coming back home. "Well, we might be able to get you back, but we're trying to work on a way to get you back," she said. "If we can find a way to get you home, I'll let you know. In the meantime, try to blend in wherever you are."

Since Miles had already blended in with the universe, he had to tell her that he had met other people, who were superheroes like him. He also told her that they knew he was Spider-Man, and that he was from another universe. Gwen wasn't sure how to respond to this because she thought he would be in a universe without heroes. She asks about them, and he tells her they will help in any way they can. Gwen was in a better mood after hearing this.

Miles then introduces his new friends to Gwen. She can't see them, but can still hear them. The girls then say hello to Gwen through the communicator. Gwen was a bit concerned because they were all girls, but she knew Miles wouldn't cheat on her. Both have been through a lot together, and neither one would want to throw away what they have. Gwen tells Miles she'll keep in touch with him, and they both hang up.

The girls walk over to Miles asking if he is alright. "Miles, she didn't sound very confident when she spoke to you," Babs said. He knew she was right on this, but he still wanted to believe that there was hope. "Gwen wouldn't give up, and neither would I. I'm positive we can find a way to get me back," he said confidently. All the girls, except for Kara and Diana, looked at him in concern. They're worried he might not get back to his universe.

Diana has a different approach. "Sisters, we cannot think negatively about this. It is not the warrior way," she said. "We must continue to stay diligent about our universal friend. We will continue to work together as sisters to help Miles in this difficult time." Most of the girls then grow into positivity.

Kara, however, isn't very optimistic about it. "Diana, that girl on the other end was not confident about Miles coming back," she said. "If he's still going to be here, he's gonna have to get used to it." This almost caused Miles to tear down, but instead, he talked back to Kara. "You want to be negative about that, Kara?" he asked. She wasn't expecting him to talk back. "I have complete faith in Gwen," he continued. "I've always had faith in her. She's always looked out for me whenever I was down and will continue to do that. So if you think I have no way of getting back, that's where you're wrong. Gwen's always gonna find a way," he said. "Why is it that you have to be negative about this?" Kara didn't know how to respond.

"I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up," she responds. This only angers Miles. "Kara, I'm not appreciating your response right now," he said. This causes tension between them, and the girls are just watching. "Oh, I'm supposed to be glad that you have a chance of getting home?" she asks. Diana interferes. "Sister Kara, why are you doing this to Miles?" she asks. "This should be good to hear that he could get back to his homeworld."

Kara responds by saying this doesn't involve you. The heated argument between Kara and Miles continues. "Kara, if anything, I'm glad to have friends here who wouldn't give up on anything, but if you don't have any faith of any kind, then why are you here?" he asks. The argument continues. Then, Miles says something about his family that causes Kara to get furious at Miles. "Miles, wake up," she screams. "There's no way that she's going to come find you! It's going to be impossible to find you! You might as well give up!" This caused him to look and walk away from her, almost to the point where he broke down.

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