Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Zee & Miles)

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Scene 8

We're at a new theater in the town square. Inside we see a poster and the entrance to the stage room. The poster has Zee's Dad on it. Inside the theater, Miles and Zee are sitting at a table, getting food for themselves.

"It was nice that your dad gave us tickets for his show, Zee," Miles said. Zee gives a look of joy. "Well, Miles, I am my dad's assistant to his shows," she said. "I just told him that I won't be able to today. It's to spend time with you. So he insisted I take you to his show. See if you like any magic."

Miles was glad to hear this from Zee. "Maybe I'll like this better than what Oliver and I did," Miles said. "I'm not saying what we did was bad, I'm just not the guy that likes theater. But a magic show I can enjoy."

Zee smiles at him. "If you aren't someone that likes theater, then I believe you'll like this more," Zee said. As they chatted, Giovanni appeared and saw his daughter with Miles. "Hello my beautiful daughter," Giovanni said. "And hello to you too, Miles." They say hello back.

"I hope that you enjoy today's show, Miles," Giovanni said. "It's going to dazzle the whole audience. It's a shame that Zee couldn't assist me today since she wanted to spend time with you. So I'd figure that I could call up people to help today."

Zee softly smiled at her dad. "Dad, you can always call me up to the stage if you'd like," Zee said. Giovanni put his arm on her shoulder and said to her, "Zee, you should spend time with your new friend today. You shouldn't worry about me all the time. You can enjoy the show." She appreciated his response.

"Well, I better get ready," Giovanni said. "Enjoy the show you two." Before going, Zee asked if he could take a couple of photos with Miles, and Giovanni could take a photo of her with Miles. "For you, my daughter, I'd be delighted to," Giovanni said. She snaps his photos with Miles, and Giovanni snaps Zee's photos with Miles. "Thanks, Daddy," she said. "Good luck today." Her father smiled at her as he continued to walk backstage.

Miles was curious about Zee working with her dad as an assistant. He asks her what it was like to work with her father. She gives a heartwarming smile and tells him everything she does to help him. After she explains, the lights begin to dim. Giovanni magically appears on the stage with the spotlight set on him. Everyone was clapping when he appeared.

"Hello all of my lovely people," Giovanni said. "I am the Great John Zatara." Miles raised an eyebrow. Zee looks at him and tells Miles that's his nickname on stage. "Oh," Miles said. Their food comes to the table. Zee gets a sushi platter, while Miles gets empanadas. "You got empanadas?" Zee asks. He nods yes. "They're a meal my mother usually makes. I haven't had anything like this in a while, but it's worth trying some here," he said. "You ever had an empanada before?" She shakes her head no. "Have you tried sushi before?" Zee asks. Miles told her he'd had it, but it wasn't good. She picks up a piece from her chopsticks and offers some to him. "Well, maybe you should try this one," Zee said. "This will probably taste better than the one you've had."

Miles thought for a moment and asked her if she would like to try one of his empanadas. She looked for a moment before answering. "Zee, you never know what it would be like unless you try," he said. She looks at him and smiles softly. Miles takes the sushi from Zee, while Zee takes the empanada from Miles. They eat what they have. "Wow, this is better than the last one I had," he said. Zee enjoyed the empanada from Miles. "And this empanada is delicious," she said. "Miles, that was a great choice you had." They continue to eat their food and watch Giovanni do more magic tricks. We're getting close to the end of the show.

"Now, for my final act, I will make someone from the audience... Disappear," he said. "I need a volunteer." Everyone started to raise their hands. Zee asked Miles to join him on stage. He was unsure at first, but she convinced him to do it. Miles raises his hand and Giovanni picks him. Miles goes up and Zee wishes him luck. Then she takes out her phone to record this moment. Once Miles is on stage, Giovanni asks him to step into this dresser. "When you get inside," he whispered to Miles, "there's going to be a portal that opens behind you. Step right through it and you'll be out of the dresser. Understood?" Miles nods in agreement.

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