Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 13 - 18 & End Scene)

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Scene 13

Going back to Spider-Man jumping down to save Bumblebee from falling. He sends out his right arm and shoots a web at her while using his other arm to shoot a web at the ceiling so they both don't crash. The web hits the ceiling and both of them have been avoided from falling. Bumblebee still screaming realizes that she didn't hit the ground and is still alive, then she looks up and sees Spider-Man/Miles saving her life. "You alright there?" Spider-Man screams out to Bumblebee. She replies with a simple Yeah. 

The web from the ceiling then starts to snap and both Bumblebee and Spider-Man hit the ground. The rest of Bumblebee's friends show up and see that she is safe. "Thank you so much for saving me," she said to Spider-Man "But, who are you?" Miles knew he didn't want to reveal his identity to these strangers, so he replied and said, "You can call me Spider-Man." They all look at him all puzzled because they have never heard of Spider-Man before. "Who?" Supergirl asks. Spider-Man says, "Spider-Man. Hero of New York City. Wait have you never heard of-"

He was interrupted by his senses which started to tingle funnily. "Are you alright?" Batgirl asks. He realized he wasn't the only superhero. "I thought I was the only Superhero," he said. "You're just like me. But you all have different abilities." The girls looked at each other confused about what happened. What Spider-Man doesn't know, however, is that this is a universe that's outside the Spider-verse. "But, who are you?" he asked them

That's when the DC Superhero Girl Villains came and looked at Miles with anger. "Hey, you just ruined what seemed to be a finishing move, you twerp!" Giganta says with rage. Spider-Man looks at Giganta and replies, "I saved her from her doom. I'm not gonna let someone just fall to their death. So you better leave now before you cause a ruckus." Everyone was in shock with his response. They had never heard anyone say that. This only got Giganta to be filled with rage. Wonder Woman walks up to Spider-Man and says, "Be careful, Spider-Man. You don't know what you're messing with. These girls are known to be criminals." Spider-Man looks at her and responds, "They don't know who they're messing with." He then turns invisible which shocks everyone, including the Villains. "Where'd he go?" Poison Ivy asks. "Careful, he could be anywhere" Catwoman then responds. 

Spider-Man then latched himself onto Giganta and tapped her shoulder. He then removes the invisibility as she turns around. Spider-Man throws a ball of web that latches onto her face. Giganta was blinded. Giganta begins thrashing around the place, which causes her to hit Catwoman, knocking her out for a few. Everyone was shocked to see this, even the villains. He jumps back to the DC Superhero Girls and says to them, "That's at least one knocked out. Perhaps I can be of assistance to all of you?" They all look at each other wondering what to do. He seems useful enough to take them down. After what he did, they were impressed with his skills. Bumblebee likes the way that he thinks, so she would be on board for his help 100%. Then they all smile and look at Spider-Man. Wonder Woman then says, "You are more than welcome to help us out, Spider-Man." She shakes his hand and they all rush towards the Villains to put them in their place.

Cut to Black

Scene 14

We go to the end of the fight. Giganta, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman are all tied up by a Web. The heroes were greeted by an audience applauding them for saving the mall. They all waved and they waved back. 

"Thanks for your help Superhero Girls," said one of the people in the audience. A kid sees Spider-Man and tells the audience that a new hero is in town. Everyone soon turned their attention to Miles. But everyone was happy that the mall was saved for them. 

Then, a reporter named Lois Lane appears and starts to question Spider-Man, asking him where he comes from and how he worked with the girls to take out the enemies. But before he could answer, Diana grabs him, and they head off. 

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now