Final Goodbye (Sansby)

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Sans POV:

The scattered conversations around me echoed throughout the room. I studies my friends closely as they discussed anything about their day or just cleaned around the house. A small sigh escaped my jaw and I stared at the ground, feeling slightly hungry. I slowly hopped off the couch and my body went forward. I quickly pulled myself up, trying to ignore the random spinning of the room. My feet wobbled beneath me, almost like Jell-O as I walked to the kitchen. Grillby looked up and gave me a small greeting before going back to organizing. Once I was in the kitchen, I could feel my eyes growing heavy. My breathing quickened as my vision faded from color to darkness. I desperately leaned on the wall, but as I did so my body quickly collapsed to the floor. A loud grunt escaped my jaw as I lay there. I could hear footsteps rushing my way, they must have heard the grunt... Then again, I did not care- all I knew was that my vision was faded out. As I lay on the ground I heard a familiar voice call my name...

Grillby's POV:
The sound of Sans' yelping in pain snapped me out of organizing, I quickly got up and raced for the kitchen. Undyne and Papyrus followed closely on my heels. However, I seemed to be to late. Once I got there, his body was sprawled out on the ground, I felt my soul drop in my chest as I quickly yelled out his name. My feet guided me forward and I grabbed a hold of his hand as his breathing slowed slightly. The sound of bones creaking came from beside me and I looked up to find Papyrus kneeling on the other side of Sans. Tears formed in the younger skeleton's eyes as he pushed a hand against his brother. Trying to wake him up. The sound of Undyne's voice echoed around us as she called for help.

"Some medics should be-" Undyne began, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted her. The door swung open and two tall monsters raced inside carrying medical equipment. Another followed closely behind them in a long white coat. The first two monsters pushed everyone out of the kitchen, my eyes watched in pity as Sans was hooked up to their machinery. The one in the long coat watched the data that the machines gave him. Every so often he nodded and scribbled something down on a clipboard before studying the machines again.

Minutes passed and it felt like hours until the man in the coat looked up. A sorrowful expression lingered in his eyes as he sighed. He tossed a glance at his men and looked over at us. "There is something incredibly wrong with your friend here?"

I lifted a finger, ready to speak, but Papyrus was faster, "Will you be able to save him, doc?!"

The doctor sighed and looked at the ground, "I'm sorry to say this, but there is nothing I can do. Your friend here has cancer, and by the looks of it, he could die at any moment."

Papyrus gaped at the man in horror and I watched as tears raced down his eye sockets. Undyne quickly hugged him in comfort and I stared at Sans' limp body, wanting to go over to him to give him a hug, "So... there really is nothing we can do for him, is there?"

The doctor shook his head at my question and sighed, as his coworkers packed up the machinery, "I'm afraid not. All you can really do for them is to give them the best week of their life. Although, now that I think about it- there is one thing you could do honestly, to end his misery."

"What is it doc, we will do anything!?!" Papyrus yelled out in desperation.

"The best thing to do for him, would be to put him down..."

Papyrus broke into a bigger sob and Undyne held him tighter. I shook my head nervously, "There has to be some other way!"

The doctor sighed and shook his head, "Sadly there isn't... My friends and I will be outside in our vehicle. Once your friend wakes up, discuss this amongst yourselves. Either we end his suffering, or let him live longer, but feel like garbage all the time..." He walked out, not saying another word after that.

My feet guided me forward as everyone fell into a cold silence. I slowly kneeled on the ground beside Sans and grabbed his hand in my own, whatever Sans decided on in a few hours- I knew that we would all be sad either way.

Sans POV:
A small groan escaped my jaw as I blinked open my eyes. To my surprise everyone stood before me, crying their eyes out. "Heh- can't a guy get a little sleep without everyone crying over them?" I joked- but this seemed to kill the mood even more. I slowly sat up and looked at all of them confused, "Guys? Did something happen...?"

"Sans..." Undyne began, she sighed, "-why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Tell you what?"

"The pain you were going through punk..."

"What Undyne means is-" Grillby began, the fire elemental sighed and averted eye contact with me... I reached out a hand and grabbed Grillby's. Grillby tightened the grip and sighed, looking into my eyes now, "Sans, you have cancer..."

My soul shattered in my chest and I stared at the ground. Grillby held me in a tight hug as Papyrus' sobs echoed throughout the kitchen. I pushed Grillby off me, getting out the hug, "There has to be a way-"

The fire elemental shook his head, "No... All they can do for you is end your misery quicker, by killing you."


"Sans, do us all a favor and choose for yourself and not for us... Do you want to live with this pain or no?" Grillby asked in a demanding voice. It was obvious that he was trying to sound brave, but I could see right through the mask of strength.

I sighed, my shoulders drooped, "It hurts to live, but- I don't want to hurt any of you guys..."

Papyrus' sorrowful voice took me by surprise, causing me to look up, "brother we love you no matter which option you choose. Just please, do this for yourself..."

I sighed softly and nodded, "Can I just- hug you guys one last time before saying goodbye?" Everyone crowded around me, saying their final goodbyes. I could hear the sorrow in each of their voices. Grillby gave me a kiss on the top of my skull and told me how much he appreciated me, even though everything was being cut short. Papyrus told me how he would take good care of himself, everyone, and my pet rock. Meanwhile Undyne promised to watch over Papyrus... Everyone- My.. family.... I was not ready to say goodbye, but, I had to. Especially if this illness made me pass out and feel so horrible.

The doctor came back in once we were all finished. I said my goodbyes, waved my farewells. It was now time for me to go before I changed my mind... The doctor pulled out a needle and grabbed my arm. He stuck the syringe into my bone and pressed the lever, to send the poisons of death inside of me.. With one last grip of strength I managed to utter one last thing, "Thank you all- for being the family I never deserved..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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