Dinner (MithRoss)

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My feet pranced around the kitchen as supplies fell from the shelves around me. My apron tightened around my chest as I began to pour some milk into a mixing bowl. Tonight, was Ross and I's third night on a date and I wanted to make him something special.

My hand released the jug of milk before I grabbed a couple of eggs and began to crack them into the bowl. The delicate yolk slithered into the milk before disappearing without a trace.

A few minutes passed until I began to add spices. The fragrances that shifted around the atmosphere each reminded me of a new memory with Ross. For example, the smell of cinnamon reminded me of one lovely morning where Ross had given me breakfast in bed. My eyes closed for a moment as my heart settled on this beloved memory.

"Max, wake up..." My boyfriends' voice hummed from behind me. I grunted before hiding my face with the pillow. "Come on babe, we have a busy day ahead of us!"

I shook my head before grunting under my breath, "go away you crazy squirrel." I smiled as I remembered how his favorite animal was a squirrel. Which also showed a lot of Ross's curiosity along with why he was always so happy.

As I sat there a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned my body around. I slowly opened my eyes and through the strands of my ginger hair I could see Ross laying a tray on my lap. "I made you Cinnamon Sticks!"

The sound of the fire alarm blaring made me snap out of this vision. My feet quickly flew across the room towards the stove where I quickly opened the door to find tonight's dinner burning. I cursed under my breath and grabbed the fire extinguisher that sat across from me before allowing the thick gray substance to coax the flames.

"I certainly can not give Ross this disaster of a dinner. What was I thinking!" I yelled out before hitting my fist against the counter. The sound of the doorbell alerted me that Ross had arrived early. I looked back at my mess and sighed, "One second!" I quickly tore off my apron and scurried to the door.

Infront of me, the familiar brunette stood there holding a small bouquet of flowers. "Am I to early?" Ross asked as he tilted his head, clearly noticing how stress I looked.

A frown made its way onto my face before I let him inside. "No, it's just-... I paused for a moment and sighed, "I left the food in the oven for to long and burned it. I'm so sorry Ross, I was making your favorite dish to and... "

"Max, hey..." Ross spoke as he paused me mid-sentence. "It's ok, we can fix this. How about we work together and make a new meal, does that sound alright?"

A smile made its way onto my face as tears streamed down my eyes.
"yes, thank you for being the best boyfriend ever!" My hands wrapped around his chest as I allowed myself to cry into his shirt. Ross is the one person I want to spend my life with forever. The one person whom I will purpose to in the future.

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