Carnival Time (Sansby, Undyrus, Kingdings)

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Sans's POV:

Beep! Beep! Be-.. My hand reached out from under the sheets as I slammed my fingers on the alarm clock, trying to get it to stop beeping. I rolled slightly in my bed, grunting in annoyance from the alarm clock. Leave it to the alarm clocks to wake you from your slumber. I curled my knees close to my ribcage and attempted to fall back asleep, yet another interruption boomed through the house. "Sans you lazy bones, wake up or we will be late!"

Instead of getting up, I pulled my pillow over my skull, holding it firmly with my hands, as my cheekbone rested against the mattress. It felt too early to wake up, at least to my standards. I felt as though I could sleep for another hour. My eye sockets closed as I slowly tried to drift back off to sleep. Yet, as soon as I was about to, my bedroom door slammed open.

"NGAAAH! Punk wake up!" A female voice rang from the other side, startling me into a sitting position. My eye lights flickered across the room, finding a bluefish monster glaring at me.

I blinked my eyes lazily and shrugged. "What now, Undyne? I'm trying to sleep."

"Did you already forget about last night, punk?"

"Forget what-" I paused midsentence. What was I forgetting? Was it Grillby and me's anniversary? No. That wasn't for another few days. It's not Papyrus' birthday either. What the heck was I forgetting?

"Ugh! You bonehead! Papyrus, Sans forgot... AGAIN!"

Papyrus' voice responded to her, although he sounded slightly muffled. "Then please remind him, Undyne. We will be late if not, and Asgore and dad are already going there!" He paused momentarily and screeched. "NYEH! Sorry, Grillby! Let me help you!"

My eye lights vanished, I had finally remembered. I brought a hand up to my skull and facepalmed. "Oh right, the carnival!" I looked back up to find Undyne rolling her eyes.

"Just get ready, bonehead. Papyrus and I already got the car ready. I think Grillby is still trying to find the map." She said, while turning away, she grabbed the door behind her and slammed it shut, waking me up fully.

I slowly rolled out of my bed, feeling the tips of my boney feet brush against the carpeted floor. Ever since we moved onto the surface, Papyrus and I got a home together with Grillby and Undyne. Sure, the home wasn't as quiet as it used to be, but it felt good to have the extra company around. I glanced at the edge of the bed and noticed my hoody was sitting there nicely folded. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, knowing it had to be Grillby who did that. I quickly grabbed the fabric before shrugging it on. I tugged on a pair of jogging pants and put on some tennis shoes.

Once I was finally ready, I quickly opened my bedroom door, my eye lights flickered around the hallway, closing the door behind me before teleporting to the bottom of the stairs. Only Grillby remained in the living room, he was digging in a desk drawer, his attention was fully cast on his search. My feet led me behind him before I paused, wrapping my hands around his neck, and planted my skull against the back of his head. "Whatcha looking for?"

The fire elemental jumped at my sudden presence, nearly reaching the ceiling. He looked over at me quickly and sighed in relief. "Oh, morning Sans..." His golden eyes flickered back to the drawer, "Just looking for the map to the carnival. I swear I put it down in here somewhere, but it does not appear to be in here?"

I stiffed a yawn, using my blue magic to summon the map in my hand. "This one-?"

"I- oh... I suppose that is one solution?'"

"Heh, here." I chuckled, placing it into Grillby's hands carefully. The fire elemental's fingers wrapped around it as he stood up, dusting off his pants from any dirt that may have been on the ground. "Come on, Papyrus and Undyne might be waiting for us," I mumbled, leading Grillby out of the house. He closed the door behind us and locked it.

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