When We Met In December (McDonalds x BurgerKing)

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"Why did we decide to come to Central Park during winter?" My voice echoed as I looked up at my girlfriend.

We had been walking for what felt like ages. My feet felt like needles were stabbing through the bottom. I almost considered sitting on the snow beneath us, despite how cold I would be.

"It's a beautiful day, BurgerKing." She declared. Her hands landed on her cone, where her hips would be. "I thought you wanted this!"

"Yeah, I wanted to go out, but not in a cold area! More like a restaurant or movie theater."

My girlfriend sighed, grabbing me by the hand before kissing it. "Alright, let's go find a gazebo to sit under. Will that make you happy?"

"I guess, thanks, DairyQueen."

With that, we continued walking. The crystalized surface crunched beneath my feet. Hugging the soles of my shoes, like gum, where they would stay until I reached a warm area.

My robe constantly got stuck as we walked. Tugging on every little branch that was close to the park's ground. I opened my mouth, deciding we should turn around and go home.

DairyQueen began to speak before I did. Pointing towards an open area with a roof and bench. From afar, we could tell someone was sitting there.

"Look! A gazebo. Come on, let's go sit for a while."

Yoinking my hand, Dairy rushed us forward. Not giving me a chance to lift my feet as I tumbled after her. Nearly slipping on the snow as I tried to keep up with her.

A red-haired male sat at the bench beneath the gazebo. His back was turned to us as we walked towards him. However, he turned to face us as we drew nearer.

I didn't know what happened. I didn't know why my feet stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't know why I could not stop looking inside of his sparkling black eyes.

I just knew one thing; I have to get to know him.

"Burger. Burger!" DQ shouted, her hands once again landing on her hips, wrinkling her cone. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing! Just got distracted." Lying through gritted teeth, I took a seat across from the new male. Watching as his bright red lips spread across his face.

"Hello. Aren't you both a lovely pair!" Despite his positive manner, his voice was quite deep. Reminding me of the churning of a coffee pot brewing the delicacy of a morning cup.

"Awh, how sweet!" DQ grinned, her hand flying down as she averted eye contact.

"I mean it!" He chuckled, his head tilting slightly.

"What's your name?" I pipped in. Removing my hand from DQ's. Hearing a soft 'hmph' escape her lips as I did so.

"McDonald. Friends call me Ronald, though."

"Yeah. Yeah. Nice to meet you, Ronald, but we really need to get going." DQ uttered, rising to her feet while trying to tug at my left arm.

"Leave? No, we don't! We are taking a break, DQ."

Her hand tightened on my arm, but a misleading smile formed on her face. "Of course."

Turning back to our friend, I tilted my head with a smile. "My name is BurgerKing. This is DairyQueen."

"Wow!" McDonald gasped, holding one hand to his chest. "I am in the presence of a King and a Queen! It's such an honor!"

"Don't say that." I giggled, watching a slight pink dust the edges of his cheeks from embarrassment. "It is an honor for me as well to meet you."

"Meet a clown like me?"

"I truly love your make-up, Sir."

A flood of white flashed in front of my left eye's peripheral vision as a hand smacked me across the cheek. Turning my head, I looked at DairyQueen, who folded her arms. "You never compliment me on my make-up!"

"You don't even wear any!"

"Do you not see my mascara and blush?!"

“No!” Shaking my head, I watched as her arms folded and tears began to form at the edges of her eyes. “Dairy, don’t be like this!”

The clearing of a throat sounded near our side. Turning our heads, we watched as Ronald scratched the back of his neck. “Should I give you both some privacy?”

DairyQueen began to say yes, but I interrupted her. “No. This fight is over anyways.”

“Excuse me?!”

“DQ, I think we should start seeing other people.”

“After how much I gave you?!”

“You gave me nothing in this relationship.” Snapping my fingers as I adjusted the golden crown which seated on my head. Feeling it’s surface graze against my scalp while doing so.

“Yes, I do! I cooked you a meal yesterday!”

“After I asked you too for a week!”

Dairy opened her mouth, but quickly shut it, not having any good comebacks. Turning away from us, she stormed off without a second glance.

“Sorry you had to see that.” I mumbled, turning back to face McDonalds. Averting eye contact as I heard the bench creak from him standing up. To my surprise, he placed his hand gently on my shoulder while sitting beside me. “Huh?”

“Don’t be sorry. How about we go get some coffee? Just to take your mind off it.”

My cheeks warmed up as I nodded swiftly. Feeling his hand latch onto mine before he pulled me to my feet. Looking me over, he giggled before looking forward past some trees.

“There’s an exit not to far from there. Let’s go, my treat!”

He guided me through the trees, not taking a second to look behind us. I kept my pace with him, managing to stay by his side as we walked. I couldn’t help but realize I kept looking down at his hand. Watching it swing back and forth beside his hips while moving.

I did not know how much time had passed or how long we had been walking. For me, it felt like only a minute. Yet, we had finally reached a tall bricked building. A sign hanging on the front saying: “Postcard Perfect: Coffee and Tea.”

His hand grazed the door as he held the door open for me. I could nearly see his lips which felt like they were saying: “Lovers first”, like a remake of the ladies first saying.

Stepping inside, I listened to his feet quietly press on the floor behind me. The air smelled heavy of fresh beans and tea leaves. He led me through the area before taking a seat at a booth. I joined him without hesitation before picking up a menu that was neatly standing in a rack on the table.

Looking at the menu, I left one of my hands on the table. Breathing in a soft sigh as I looked at the variety of options. Before I knew it, I felt a hand grasp onto mine. Looking up quickly, I watched as McDonald’s kept his head turned away from me, but his hand holding mine tightly.

I did not know what this feeling was. I did not know why my heart started thundering in my chest. All I knew is that I wanted more of it.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?”

My mouth began to let the words escape before I had a chance to think them through. I watched a bright red flush on the other’s face as he turned to look at me. His curly red hair falling over his eyes.


“Do you believe in…”

“Yeah, I do. Why?”

“No reason!” I squeaked, looking down at the menu, The weight on my hand grew stronger, as he placed his other hand over them.

“Are you trying to ask me out, BurgerKing?”

“No, I just-”

“Don’t worry.” He giggled, moving a finger over my mouth. “I already considered this a date.”

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