Love Letters (Sansby)

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Sans' POV

The graphite edge of the pencil scratched at the sheet of paper, carving words into the materialized wood, as my brain tried to figure itself out. My pencil fell onto my desk with a thud as I lifted the finished product with my right hand and read it over.

Dear Grillby,
Hey- it's your secret admirer again, just wanted to say that you make life b̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶  easier to live in, and nobody else in this world could ever be like you. Honestly, you make me smile, and it's cool how your bar is always clean. Heck, I can also always see my reflection in the glasses sitting around the bar. Anyways, have a great day, just know that even on the hardest days, take care of yourself, cause we all care about you.

Your secret admirer


I looked at the paper and scoffed, pushing my hands against my skull. Gosh I sounded so cheesy with every word I had put into it. I sound like some sort of Shakespeare ripoff who was trying to get his attention with lovey dovey stuff. Then again, maybe he likes it. I mean- after the first letter I sent him, he seemed a bit happier at the bar. Maybe he likes them? Yet- what if he finds out it's me. What if when he does- he hates me?

The thoughts spun in my head like a whirlwind, coming in from every direction and spinning around without a place to go. I quickly shook my head, trying to dismiss the thoughts before leaning back in my chair. I know I don't want to come off as desperate with these letters, but what else could I do? Hopefully he does not mind these letters as much as I am thinking. I tell myself before finally rising out of my chair.

My spine cracked from the sudden movement, making an 'oof' come out of my jaw as I shrugged on my casual blue hoodie. Maybe I can ask him about it today, if he likes these letters or if anything at all. I grabbed the letter of the desk, concealing it into a creaky yellow envelope, before sliding it into my pockets. My eye lights flashed around my room one last time, before I teleported to Grillby's.

The familiar structure sat before me, snow had covered the flat roof, and a few icicles hung on opposite corners. A small brown PO box sat outside the structure. I quickly fiddled with the envelope, discretely sliding it into the box. A sigh escaped my ribs as I turned around to head inside, but I froze midstep.

Before me stood Grillby himself, his medium golden eyes watched me carefully as his eyebrows raised slightly. "Sans? What are you doing at the PO box?"

A slight blush raced over my cheekbones as I quickly fiddled with my hoodie string. "I- Err... I was checking to see if you had any mail! Uh- nothing yet though, heh-"

Grillby crossed his arms, a suspicious glare passing through his specs as he moved forward. "Mhm-" He mumbles, he grabbed the lid of the PO box himself, pulling out the golden envelope I had placed there moments ago. "What's this, Sans?"

"I- I- don't know what you are talking about."

Grillby looked at me before sighing, his flames crackled with curiosity it as gently tugged on the envelope, pulling it open. He shook the contents out and watched the paper slide onto his hands. He gently unraveled the paper and began to read it. My soul thundered in my chest as my feet slowly started to pull me away from Grillby. My eyelights flickered to the ground. As I slowly started to back off, a gasp came from Grillby's mouth. I gulped nervously, knowing he might hate me, I quickly turned around, ready to dash away, but a warm hand quickly grabbed onto my arm, forcing me to stop.


"G-Grillbz, I'm sorry, I should go, I know you probably aren't to h-happy about it. I'll stay out of your-"


"I get that you probably hate me now and wish I were dead."


"I promise to pay my tab as soon as I can, and then I will-"

"SANS!" Grillby yelled, snapping me out of my nervous spiral. I looked up at him in surprise, the male barely ever raised his voice, and when he did it meant he was either serious or frustrated. My eyelights flickered to the ground nervously, as the elemental slowly let go of my arm. "Sans, do you really think I would hate you?"

"Yes, but-"

"Sans... you do realize you are my best friend right, the one person who has been in my life for decades and makes every living day amazing, right."

"B-But, I wrote you so many stupid letters and probably came across as needy..." I nervously fiddled with my hoodie string, feeling my soul slowly shattering in my chest. Why was he acting so nice about it right now. Maybe he is starting nice before giving me the full blow?

"Sans..." Grillby began, but sighed, he moved his hand out and grabbed me by the forearm. "Follow me, I want to show you something."

I glanced up shakily before nodding, the elemental lead me through the bar, which was fairly empty aside from a few regulars. He pushed open the fire-exit, and led me through the area. A hallway greeted us with a fork in the road. Grillby continued forward until we were greeted with a staircase, he led me up the stairs and unlocked the door at the top. Inside of the room was a well kept living room, a short brown couch sat against the wall and there was a TV stationed a few feet away. Grillby led me towards the couch and pointed to it, as though telling me to take a seat before walking off towards another area in the house.

I prodded a hand on the couch, feeling it's cool fake leathered exterior before finally taking a seat on it. Grillby came back shortly after with a box. He rested the box on a glass coffee table before us, and opened it. Inside of it were several envelopes, he looked up at me and smiled. "Did you really think you annoyed me with this notes, Sans? I- actually found them to be rather comforting."


"Sans, not a lot of people really tell me that the bar feels like a safe place for them or that they appreciate my existence. Honestly, your notes pretty much made it easier to go to work everyday, because even if I did not know it was you who wrote them, it made me happy knowing that at least someone appreciated my work."

"Grillbz- you really think not many people appreciate the things you do?"

"Well with how many open tabs there are, it's hard to believe so..."

"Grillby..." I sighed, moving my hand forward and lifted his chin. His golden eyes wandered towards my eye sockets, showing me the faint red color that surrounded his iris. "Everyone down there loves you as a friend. You are a really great bartender and do amazing at your job!" I watched a bit of Grillby's flames pinken as I spoke, causing me to fight back a chuckle. "There is nobody else like you in this world, Grillbz, you are really one of a kind."

"Th-... thank you, Sans." He stutters, a small heart shaped ember slowly falling from the tip of his flames. I chuckle softly, playing with a strand of his flames as though it were hair. His eyes wandered back into mine, "Sans, do you really mean it when you say you loved me, in those letters?"

My eyes flickered down and I exhaled, "yeah, I do... Grillby, I've loved you more than a friend since probably freshman year of highschool. I dunno why, but ya have always been the one I was interested in. Guess I just get lost in your eyes and your *hot*ness."

Grillby's eyes flickered to the ground for a second as his pink flames continued to grow a brighter hue. He finally wrapped his arms around me in a hug, "Well, I love you too, Sans, and I have always loved you since Junior high."

"Y-ya have?"

Grillby blushed more at my words and nodded, "yeah, I just never wanted to say anything."

I chuckle softly, moving out of his arms, I got on my knees, looking into his golden eyes once more and smiled. "Well, is it okay, if I called you my boyfriend then?"

"I-I would love that."

"Love you then, baby."

"Love you too."

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