You're Safe Now (Sansby)

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The sun was blocked by the clouds of the human village as my hands shifted into my pockets. It has been around 4 months since monsters and humans started to live together, and everything was going pretty well. Of course, there was the occasional brawl or killing of one species from another, but other than that, everyone seemed to get along, as though both sides agreed what happened from our ancestors was done in an inhumane fashion- which of course was the truth.

My feet shuffled along the pavement with a sigh, I had just finished my job for today, I was working at a local observatory to study stars and constellations to send reports to NASA and various other companies. Perhaps even find a constellation to call my own. My body carried me forward, but my legs stayed glued to the ground as a sudden yelp sounded from a street corner only a block away. I felt my soul tugging in my ribcage, telling me to get away from there, it could be trouble, but my feet carried me in the direction of the sudden cry. I quickened my pace, sliding on the rocks as I looked in the direction of the sound. 

On the middle of the road sat a group of humans. They were all cheering and laughed louder than a group of howling dogs. Screams of pain sounded from the center of the crowd, making them cackle with laughter. I hesitated before moving forward, standing on the tips of my toes, I peered through a small crack between two humans. In the middle of the crowd stood a muscular male, but that was not the only thing. Pinned beneath his knees laid Grillby, the fire elemental had his body curled slightly, as he let out a yelp every so often along with a crying rasp for help, his glasses were shattered on the ground beside him, as though someone had stepped on them.

Without hesitating for another second, I quickly raised my hand into the air, grabbing the muscular male's soul and turning it blue. The guy let out a scream of surprise as his crowd quickly moved backward, they all turned towards me in surprise as I caused their friend to float upwards. I flicked my finger around, watching him fly from the left and right of buildings, hitting the wall of one before flying to the wall of another. "What's wrong kid, afraid of a taste of your own medicine?" I snickered, moving my finger down to force him to plummet to the ground.

The crowd around me screamed in panic, causing me to roll my eyes, through the corner of my eyes, I noticed Grillby visibly shaking, a frown formed where my normal smile was, feeling bad that he had to listen to this and not know what was happening. I focused my attention back on the human, sticking my hands into my pockets as I released his soul. "Just leave now kid, tibia honest, I don't feel like wasting any of my energy on people like you." He nodded quickly, getting to his knees and trying to run away, I quickly caged him in blue bones, my eye lights vanishing as I glared at him. "Oh, but before you go, I suggest you leave monsters like him alone next time, capiche?"

"Ye-yeah man, I get it, just let me go!" He cried, visible tears running from under his eyes, satisfied with the fear I caused him, I made the bones vanish, watching him turn tail and run with his comrades chasing behind him like lapdogs. 

I turned my skull back to Grillby, I gently moved towards him, crouching on the ground beside him. "H-Hey Grillbz, calm down okay, I gotcha, you're safe now." My hand moved forward, cupping the bartender on the shoulder. He looked up at my skull hesitantly, but nodded, his body still shook from fear, but not as much as before. I released a soft sigh, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and hugged him tightly. "Geeze, what did they do to you?" I muttered softly, as I noticed how surreal his wounds were. His jaw was crooked slightly, and his clothing was torn and had dried blood on them. 

"I- They just chased me after I closed down the bar, the strongest one said he could take me down easily, he d-destroyed my glasses and..." He broke off quickly as lava tears formed under his golden eyes, he still seemed terrified, as though at any moment, he would be jumped on again. 

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