Start from the beginning

He handed me my bagel and water, and he began eating his and drinking his 'black coffee'.

"So... how old are you?" I curiously asked.

"I'm twenty-nine." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.

Twenty-nine!? How old was Alessandro then?? Surely, he was older than Ezra.

"How olds Alessandro?"

"I don't know like what thirty-three? Something along the lines of that." He shrugged setting down his coffee.

No wonder Alessandro's so upset, he's thirty-three and stuck raising his siblings still, I don't think I've ever even heard him speak of a woman.

Ezra pulled out his phone and began messaging someone.

"We'll have to get you some clothes in two days, that's when Ophelia is coming back from her trip."

I looked down at Leo's grey sweater, I love his sweater but how am I supposed to keep this clean for the next two days it already looks like it's getting dirty.

"Well, what am I supposed to wear then?" I asked, as I took a bite of the bagel.

"I have a few shirts you can wear until then."

"Why can't you just take me." I sighed.

"Fine." He groaned, taking a sip of his coffee. "Just don't say the s word until we get there." He grumbled.

"The s word? You mean shi-"

"No, the worser one, also don't say that one either." He sighed covering his head with his hands.

"Well, what is it?" I asked as I furrowed my brows.

He took a deep breath, "Shopping."

"Shopping? How is that bad?" I scoffed, raising my eyebrows at him slightly.

"Ah, ah. I don't want the reality to sink in until were in the parking lot. Don't remind me." He grumbled as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

I finished my food and water, and I threw it into the trash, "Whatever you say, Ezra." I sighed.

"Come on let's get this over with, we're only going to one store, Ophelia can take you to the rest and buy school sh*t." He sighed and held the door open for me.

Am I starting the school year here?

I walked out the door and got into his jeep.

We pulled into the mall, and we sat in the car for two minutes in silence as Ezra contemplated on getting out in the car. Every time I tried to open the door, he'd place his hand on my arm and say, "Just wait, kid. I got to mentally prepare myself."

"Oh my gosh, Ezra, are we waiting for Christmas?" 

"We could wait for Christmas." He suggested, with a slight grin.

"Ezra!" I scolded.

"Fine, fine. Get out of the car kid, and let's be quick." He grumbled as he got out of the car.

I got out of the car and began walking next to Ezra. This mall was slightly smaller than the one I was at last night.

"Hurry, which store, kid?" He sighed as he walked up to a screen, that had a map of the stores.

"You need this map? I don't know how you use these malls."

Wow I've only been to a mall a few times and he makes me feel like an expert, a mall expert. I wonder if that's even a thing.

I pointed towards a store, "Look let's go in there." 

"Lead the way, kid."

We walked into the store and there were lots of cute clothes. I picked out only a few things since he told me Ophelia would be taking me shopping.

"Should I try them on to make sure they fit?"

He looked around the store, "Ew no, there's people walking here." He looked down at the clothes in my hand, "You mean you're gonna try them over your clothes?"

"What no, there's changing rooms, dummy."

"Changing rooms? The f*ck is that? See this is why I don't do malls."

"Well should I go try them on?"

He pulled off one of the same shirts that I had in my hand just in a bigger size and gave it to me, "Here, kid. Just take this one, if it's too big you'll just have to grow into it." He shrugged, handing it to me.

"It's supposed to fit tight and be cropped." I muttered.

"Cropped? What's that mean?" He questioned as he held the shirt up to me.

"This isn't going to fit you; it only covers half of your stomach." He grumbled.

"Well, that's the point."

"You want to pay for half of a shirt?" He questioned, as he narrowed his eyes at me. "You know what, let's get it and go, just don't wear that sh*t around me or around anyone else."

I shook my head, a slight smile formed onto my face, "Okay, Ezra."

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