15| Kitchen

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I grabbed maia my bear once again and squeezed her to my chest

I look towards the clock to see it was 3:12

I had just woken up from a nightmare and was now cuddling the bear from when I was a kid

Not to mention my body was on fire. I know I needed to take my pain killers but I needed to go downstairs to get water since I couldn't sallow pills dry

I check the bottle to find only a couple of pills left probably for today and tomorrow. I take 2 everyday so I know I needed to get to a store to buy more.

I put my fears to the side and got out the bed I kept hold of Maia and the pills and walk out the room down the stairs

I didn't think anyone would be up since it was 3 in the morning but just in case I still had my makeup on that Amelia showed me how to do last night.

I think back to what happened last night.
I showed Amelia every scar on my body if she promised she wouldn't tell anyone which she did.

Let's just say it wasn't a good reaction.

I walked into the kitchen to see the light was on.
Maybe they left it on on accident. I thought as I walk in.
Just like I thought there was no one in here.

The kitchen was huge. I just realized I never been in the kitchen before. The people that work here always have us what we wanted From the kitchen.

Now that I'm looking at it, it's different from when I was younger. Most of the house is different. it's still beautiful but I guessed they did a lot of remodeling when I left.

I shook away my thoughts in went to get a cup. The cabinet I open first had glass cups and I wasn't risking it. I open multiple other cabinet but finally found the one I was looking for.

The cups was pushed all the way to the back so i literally had to stand on my tippy toes and reach my arm as far as i could.

Bad idea as I didn't take the pain medicine so as soon as i did that my body felt like it was literally set of fire

I had finally got the cup. As I reach my arm back down with the cup in my hand

"What are you doing?" I heard a deep accusing voice

I jump and dropped the cup. I'm so lucky it wasn't glass.I didn't wanna live that again.

I stared horrified as I hurriedly and put the pills and the bear behind my back as I saw Kai stood at the door of the kitchen.

"What are you hiding" he asked as he started walking closer to where I was

"What's behind your back?" He ask as he reached behind my back and got the pills and Maia.

I just stood frozen. My heart was beating so fast as I stood there. Was I doing something wrong? Was this one of the rules, not to leave your room at night.

"Awww the poor baby still needs her teddy?" He laughed at me as he had maia in his hand

I watch as his face suddenly went serious as he looked closer at the bear. He looked at it like it was familiar to him.

Then his eyes went to the pills. "What are you tryna do with these?" He asked accusingly "and why are you in the kitchen?"

His eyes widen slightly as if he came to a sudden realization

"you trying to drugged Rose." It wasn't a question
My eyes widen at the statement

"This is the bear she gave you and your in the kitchen. You tried to drugged her" he made an accusation
He didn't even read the bottle.

"You still haven't learned" he said as he tightened his grip on Maia "You should've never been boring"

I felt my body being pushed down as I watch with tearer eyes as he grabbed the kitchen scissors and cut off Maia heads.

He then grabbed the pills, dumped them out, smashed them in pulled it down the drain.

"I will be telling Francisco about this" he said as he started leaving "Maybe then he'll send you back" he said under his breath but I still heard him

I watch him leave as I sat there on the floor. You should've never been born.
That was what he said and that what was running through my mind

What is wrong with me? Why am I such a problem for everyone? Why does no one like me?

I just sat there and and cried while I stared at the 2 pieces of my favorite thing I owned but now it's ruined

Somewhere in my head I knew I deserve this but why? Why did you have to destroy the one thing that was with me this with me this whole time?
The one thing that never left me but now it's gone.

I got up and grabbed the both part of the stuffed animal and made my way out the kitchen.

I didn't care about the pills. I didn't care that my body was on fire with every step I took. I didn't care if Kai hated me because right now I hate him with every bone in my body.

I made it to my room. I heard someone else door open down the hall but didn't care as I walked into my own room.

Maybe I can fix it. I thought as I held her tightly to my chest

I just laid down and cried as the lost of my only friend took its troll on me

Hey everyone I'm so sorry for not updating the last few weeks. It was a lot of stuff that has happened. For anyone who was asking yes i am okay. Thank you for your concern. I will make it up to y'all I promise. HAPPY NEWYEAR. Hope everyone has an amazing year.

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