11| Shoot out

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They watch as Reign practically ran towards the bathroom

"Woah did you see how much makeup she had on" Emma tried to whisper to Sophia

"Yeah she look like a Clown" Sophia responded as they giggled

"What the fuck you just say" Alastair said as he went towards them with his fist balled

They immediately stop giggling as their eyes went wide

Everyone knew that Alastair would never hit a girl it also took him awhile to lose his temper unless you made him really mad

"Whatever I'm leaving" Alastair said as he starting heading towards the exit his fist still balled

"Dude where are you going?"Caspian ask trying to catch up to him

"I didn't want to come to this fucking mall anyways now I definitely don't wanna be here" Alastair glared at him

"It's this about that girl Reign?" He ask his best friend

Caspian didn't know what happened Rose and Reign all he knew was that Rose twin sister had been sent away he didn't even knew her name until Alastair told him

Caspian meet Alastair 2 years later after Reign was sent away. His family and Alastair Family went over there all the time since the family work together but Caspian always stood home with his mom and sister while his dad went over there.

It wasn't until Caspian had to go since his father said he had to be with him now and for every meeting between the 2 families.

. . . . .

"There was a problem with the fire wall" Mr Amaryllis told Mr.Marino Caspian Father "I think someone trying to hack it"

"Cosa sei sicuro?" Mr. Marino said but Caspian stop listening as they started talking in Italian
(What what happened?)

Caspian saw a little boy probably the same age as him with his head peeked around the corner looking straight at him

Caspian frowned his eyebrows as he started waking away from his father towards the boy who had put his head back around the corner

"Hello" he called as he rounded the corner

"Go away" He saw the boy sitting on the couch now

"Hi I'm Caspian" He said as he went to sit by him

"I don't care" The boy said as he grabbed the remote and turned the tv on

"I saw you looking at me so I thought you wanting to be friends" Caspian said

The boy frozed "wow what happened are you okay"Caspian Panicked

"Yea I'm fine you just remind me of my friend she said the same thing" The boy said

"Well where is your friend now" Caspian ask carious

"She's gone that's who I thought you were" he said "I'm just waiting for her to come back"

"Oh well I can be your new friend until she comes back" Caspian said
"My name is Caspian"

"Only until she comes back" he promised "my name is Alastair" 

. . . . .

Alastair just stared at him 'who else would make me mad like this' he thought as he rolled his eyes

Alastair was about to respond When suddenly he heard multiple guns go off
"Fuck get down" He yelled

People starting panicking as they tried to run out the mall knocking each other over

They Romano's Bodyguards started to take their position

'Where is Reign?' Alastair thought as he took his own gun out

He look around and saw Rose and her little brother under the table while Kai And Enzo took their guns out

'What the Hell was Reign' Alastair thought as he look around the mall but were to many people as everyone was trying to leave

"Omg were going to die I'm too pretty to die take Sophia" Emma said as she pushed her and ran

Sophia got shoot in the leg while tryna Run after her

"FUCK!" Caspian yelled as he made his way towards Sophia while telling his sister to run after Enzo

"Grab on!" Caspian yelled as he got in front of Sophia telling her to get on his back

As more people started exiting people stared entering with guns in their hands. Shit it was the Germans

"Alastair go get Reign and get around the back we'll meet y'all there" Enzo said as he grabbed Rose and their little brother

They started walking towards the exit

I ducked down and hurried towards the bathrooms while everyone was having a shootout

I tried to open we n the bathroom room but found it lock I seen someone in the corner of my eye and shoot him in the head

I hope she's ok I thought as I kicked the door down

"Reign we got to go now" I said as I saw Reign on the floor by the toilet

I wasn't worried about that now as I grabbed her hand and walked out behind the door as I saw more people with guns walk pass the bathrooms


I woke up surrounded by the stall of the bathroom

I tried to get up but soon feel back down as I got dizzy

I felt my stomach clench as I hurried and face the toilet and started puking

Their wasn't barely anything in my body so I was just dry heaving. I felt sick.

I suddenly heard a bang come from the mall 'What was that' I thought as I Flush the toilet

Suddenly I heard more bangs that I now realize are gunshots. My eyes widen

'Did they leave me am I going to die and a dirty public bathroom' I thought as I tried to look around for a window to escape

Alastair busted through the bathroom and grabbed my hand as we made it towards the exit of the bathroom

I was suddenly pulled back by Alastair
What was he doing we got to go now

I looked towards him but he just had his finger on his mouth telling me to shush I looked back towards the exit as I saw people with guns walk by the restroom

'Who was these people and what did they want?' I started to panic

"Reign hurry come on" Alastair whispered as he pulled me behind him as he made his way out the restroom with me following

Suddenly a person come from around the corner pointing a gun at his head

"Reign close your eyes!" He yelled
I shut my eyes as I heard a gunshot go off

"Well well well if it isn't Mr.Amaryllis and is that the mystery Ms. Romano" I turned around and froze at what I saw

There were more then a dozen men with guns pointed at us

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