13| Games

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I felt my hand trace over the scars on my arms as I sighed

I know they were old but I don't think the scars will ever disappear

I woke up about 2 hours ago I knew I had to fixed my back before it got infected but it turned out it healed the wrong way by itself.

I couldn't fix cause I couldn't see it I would just pour alcohol on my back and wrap my whole torso with warp

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the last 24 hours

I was to scared to go out and face my siblings more so my brothers

My mind kept going back to heinchair what I now know is his last name not first

I heard soft knocking come from my room door

"Yes" I'll called out as I went to open the door knowing who it was

"Reign will you play with me"
Amadeus said as he poke his head in

"I just thought since you played with me in the car you would wanna play now" He mumbled

I was about to say yes but didn't get a chance as he started talking again

"Not saying you can't say no cause you can say no if you want that what usually happens when I ask Kai or Rose they're always busy and ne-"

"Amadeus of course I'll play with you" I cut him off

"Really" He ask shock
"Yes of course" I smiled at him

He came rushing towards me and put his arms around my waist for a hug

I immediately tensed but then relaxed and put my arms around him to return his hug

Hugs were new to me in fact I don't remember receiving one above the age of 7

"Ok come on" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room

We started going up the stairs to the second floor the part of the house I that I never been to

"This is the game room" he said as he open the door

Woah the game room was huge.
There was a big pool table and a even bigger air hockey table to the left their was multiple arcade machines

I noticed on the other side of the room there was two tv's one had a White box connected to it and the other had a black box

"Come one we can play the arcade games first" he dragged me towards the arcade games

He left go of my hand and went to grab something. He came back with a stool

"I'm to short to see the screens without something to stand on" he told me as he put the stool in front of the machine

"Do you know how to play" he asked me
I shook my head since I never played this game a day in my life

"I can teach you" he said as he pressed the start button "okay so this is pac-ma"

That how we spent the whole morning with us playing every arcade game and when we finished with that we went to the tv's

Amadeus told me the white one was a x-box and the black was a PlayStation

He told me the x-box was his favorite but Rose liked the PlayStation.

"You can just choose which one to play" he told me

"Amadeus it's time for lunch and have you seen Reign" Enzo said as he entered the room scrolling on his phone

"She right here" Amadeus said as he got up "We can still play after lunch ok" he told me

He left the room and I was left alone with Enzo

"Come on" Enzo said as he turned to leave the room
I quickly followed after him

I wondered why he wanted me but I soon found out as I was lead downstairs right in front of Francesco office

"Amelia will be bringing you lunch since you sleep through breakfast and will be missing lunch" Enzo said
I remember Amelia as the lady who help me when I first got here

I took a deep breath and knock on the door to Francesco office
"Come in"

I walk in with my head down and took a seat in front of his desk. The chair I sat in last time

"Reign" He said in a warning tone
I remembered Rule 1 and quickly lifted my head to look at him but was shocked when I found another boy probably my age standing next to him

"I wanna talk about what happened yesterday" He said
I started picking my nails

"The people yesterday are d-" he look like he was about to say something else but cleared his throat "We have many enemies because we are rich and a lot of people want us dead to steal our money that's why we have many bodyguards" I cringed as he sounded like he was explaining what happened to a toddler

"I want you to know what happened yesterday will not happen again" what even happened yesterday? Who was those people? I wanted to ask him but didn't and just said "ok"

He cleared his throat again "you started school today but I wanted to give you time to yourself after what happened so you will start tomorrow"

That must be why I haven't seen Rose or Kai today

"This is Zander" he said as he pointed towards the boy next to him "and he will be your personal bodyguard"

"He's in the same grade as you and has all your classes and will take you to and from school everyday" He explained
"You must stay with him at all time as he here to protect you"

There was a knock at the door
"Come in Amelia" he said as she walk in

"I have come to bring Ms. Reign her lunch" Amelia said

"Ok you can set it on the desk" Francisco said

She sat it in front of me and left
I look towards the plate to see a simple Blt and some chips on the side with a glass of lemonade

"You may leave as soon as you are finished with your food" He said as he look back towards his work "Zander you are dismissed" Zander took a quick peek towards me and then left

There was no way I was finishing all of this. I know it wasn't much but I have a very small appetite.Why did I have to sit here and eat in front of him.

I started eating as I knew I couldn't leave without eating everything
I started with the chips and then ate the sandwich

I saw Francisco look of from his work a couple of time probably to make sure I was eating it so I could leave faster

Halfway through the the sandwich my stomach started hurting and I knew I couldn't eat anymore

I just decided to drink to lemonade to help my stomach but that did nothing

I started to panic Was I going to be punished for wasting my food

Before I could get lost in my thought's Francisco said "You may go"
I got and was about to get my plate when I realized my hands was shaking

"You can leave it Reign, I will get it" Francisco said as he saw me struggling

"Ok t-thank y-you" I stuttered and made my way out his office

I let out a deep breath once I was out his office

Now I have to deal with school tomorrow great

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