2| A new beginning

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The car ride was silent. I Kept feeling him staring at me and it was making me uncomfortable but I just kept my head down.

It wasn't until we pulled into the airport that he decides to say something and I decided to look up "you know what will happen if you get sent back" he said calmly

I hated when he was calm I couldn't read his emotions and tell what he was feeling which made me scared especially when he punished me I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Yes sir" I responded "good" he left it at that

The car came to a stop and David got out so I took that as my cue to get out too

I didn't know where to go so I just followed David when he came to a stop at a plane and just silently stood there

I slowly walked up the stairs. I was scared. I haven't been on a plane since 9 years ago when I was sent here.

"Reign" I look back at David as he said my name and he just gave me a look without a word but I knew what the look meant it was a silent threat telling me not to screw up

I just shook my head up and down telling him I understood and got on the plane

I had forgot my family was rich I was on the plane by myself I think it was a private plane.

I heard the caption say remain seated and buckle up as we were about to take off

. . . . .

Turns out I get plane sickness as my stomach was killing me and I felt like throwing up every second A lady on the plane gave me some painkillers and they help a little but I was most thankful because the scars on my back wasn't hurting as much

I was so glad when the plane finally landed. I waited till the caption said it was okay to get off and hurried off the plane

I was confused on where to go until I saw a guy walking up to me. I quickly straightened up

"Reign?" Was all he said "Yes sir" I said "follow me he said as he walked to a car that I had not seen until now. I followed him until we made it to the car

He open the back door for me and I got in and he got in the drivers side "you could sleep as it's a 2 hour drive" He told me I just nodded I knew I wasn't going to sleep though I just couldn't

. . . . .

Here I was just standing at the door deciding if I should knock or not.

We hade finally made it we had to pass through the gate and drive up this long hill to the house aka mansion.

I was scared I didn't want to get out the car I didn't want to see my family again

"Not like they wanted to see you either"

The diver had opened the door and I decided to finally get out the car

Well I didn't have a second thought on if I wanted to knock or not as the door had open before I could finished thinking

To my surprise it wasn't Francisco my oldest brother who open the door but it was Kai

I don't think he saw me yet as he was talking and laughing at someone in the house

When he had turn around he froze eyes wide but it wasn't very long until his eyes turned into a hatred glare which made me step back a little

He look me up and down and walked straight past me can't say I was surprised he probably hated me

I could now see who he was talking to as 4 other boys came out the house also staring at me in shock

They ran to catch up to Kai asking him questions like "who was I?" and "why I looked so much like rose?" He just ignored them and kept walking

They left the door open so I just walked in and close it behind me
I forgot how big the house was
the outside is nothing compared to the inside

I saw a women sweeping the floor I never seen here before so she must of been hired when I was sent away I decided to ask her if she knew where Francisco was

"Hey sweetie you must be Reign right?" She asked me

"Yes ma'am" I responded back

"Francisco been waiting for you in his office" she told me " but first he told me to make sure you put your stuff away." "if you just follow me I'll show you where your room is"she told me gently

I followed her since I don't remember the way to anything in the house we walked up the stairs

I was confused when we passed by the room me and rose had when we were a child but I just guessed I would get my old bedroom

I was even more confused when I saw a different door with a pink letter R on it and I thought that was mine but we walk straight past it

I soon found out why as we kept walking down farther down the hallway and I was lead to a room that when I was younger was extra rooms

I guessed they didn't want me next to anyone so I didn't hurt them

"Here you are sweetie" she told me as we stop at a door "when you're done putting your things away just walk up the stairs turn to your right and the room should have F. Romano on the side of the down that's Francisco office." She spoke with kindness

I didn't know what things she was talking about since I had nothing with me as I couldn't bring anything

"Ok thank you so much" I told her

"My name is Amelia by the way and if you need help with anything just come find me"

"Ok I will" I was lying I hated asking anything from anyone and I didn't know if the kindness she was showing was real or if it was a act

"Ok I leave you to it" she said as she stared walking away

I walk into the room and I was shocked the room was huge their was a queen size bed a big tv hanged on the wall and two more doors that I didn't know what it was

I open the first door and it was a huge bathroom with a shower and a tub but they wasn't connected when I open the other door it was a walk in closet

I just looked at everything with wide eyes this was nothing like where I was at we barely had a bed just a thin mattress on the floor with a even thinner cover on it

I trip over some bags and when I open them it was my clothes from the school as I was glad when I saw Mia I hugged her so hard to my chest
"I'm sorry for leaving you" I told her

Mia was a stuffed blue bear I had her for years
Me and rose decided to get matching stuffed bears mines was blue and hers was pink. I kept her all this time but I think rose probably got rid of hers

"I should probably start putting my stuff away" I said to myself


Hey everyone I'm sorry for not uploading the last couple of Sunday's but schools has been stressful but now we're on fall break the whole week so on Sunday I will post 2-3 chapters to make it up to y'all and I will continue to try to update every Sunday

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