4| Rose

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I felt someone shaking me as I woke up
"Wake up bitch" a women said

It was a random lady I was confused on where I was and why this lady just slap me

"Is rose ok?" I ask the lady

"How can she be okay when you killed her" she sneered at me

I didn't kill rose and rose is not dead I think this lady must be mistaking I would never hurt rose.

"I never hurt rose" I told her

I felt a hard slap to my face "yes you did you killed her" I was to busy crying to pay attention to what she said

Where was dads and mama I wanted to go back home they would never hit me

The lady dragged me out the car and took me towards a place that looked abandoned

We walked down a couple of halls and walk into a room where just a chair was with straps on it and a large tv in front of it

She forced me into a chair and started to strap me into it

I tried to stop her but I received another slap to the face

"Stop struggling before I gave you another one" she threatened me

I just let her do what she was doing
When she was done my arms and my legs were strapped to the chair and I couldn't move as she put headphones on me

"I'll ask you one time why did you kill rose?" she asked me

"Rose can't be dead!" I yelled at her

"But she is cause you killed her" she said as she got in my face

"I would never hurt rose" I told her as I started to sob

"Wrong answer" she said as she left out the door and closed it


A voice in the headphones started to play it said "Reign killed rose" "Reign is a terrible person who doesn't deserve a family"

"What no your wrong I didn't do anything!" I sob
But the voice kept going after a couple of hours the lady came back and took the headphones off and asked "why I killed Rose?"

"I didn't kill rose please leave me alone" I said to her

"Wrong answer" she said as she put the headphones back on me and left out

"No please come back I'm sorry for whatever I did just don't leave me down here" I screamed

The voice started to play again but this time the tv turned on and it was me stabbing rose
It was wrong I didn't do that I never hurt rose

This happened everyday for 2 weeks. It was a cycle with the voice saying how I killed rose and the tv playing me stabbing rose with the lady coming to ask why I did it until one day she asked

"Why did you kill rose?" The lady I now know as Mary ask me

"I killed rose because I was jealous of her and I hate her" I told her honestly in my voice

"Congratulations you can finally leave the room" she smiled as she unstrapped me


I stood up so fast that the chair fell

Rose was alive? I wanted to hug her tell her that I'm sorry and that I miss her

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