10| Alastair

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"Hello" I asked for the third time

Where is everyone I call Reign and told her I'll be here. I even called Rose and told her when Reign didn't answer but She didn't answer either

Now I'm at their front gate waiting for someone to answer

"Hello" I heard a voice come from the intercom

"Hi can Reign and Rose come out today to play"

"Alastair?" She questioned

I wasn't surprised she knew me since I was here almost everyday so basically everyone knew who I was

When I first got here her brothers and dad didn't want me anywhere near her but then they soon got used to me when Reign told them I wasn't leaving

"Yea Ma'am" I answered

"I'm sorry dear but there's been an emergency and that they had to attend to urgently" she told me

"Ok do you know where they went?" I ask her

"I'm not allowed to give anymore information" she told me

"Ok I understand thank you" I told

What happened that was so important? I hope it wasn't nothing serious

"Alastair?" I heard someone say my name

"Oh hey Antonio" I walk up to the car

"Hey Mr and Mrs Romano" I spoke to They're grandparents not wanting to be rude

"Can I go in with y'all no one is answering and I told them I was going to be here today" I ask him

"Of course get in" Antonio said

"Miele I don't think now is the time. We have had an emergency at the house" Mrs Romano told me

"But the twins would be so excited to see him" Antonio said

"How about-" Mrs. Romano was cut off by Mr. Romano "Just get in the car we don't have time to waste" Mrs. Romano glared at him
"Yes sir" I said as I got in

We walked upstairs all the way to the medical wing

Why are we here? Was someone hurt? Was this the emergency?

We saw Mrs. Romano the twins mother come up to us to explain what happened and who had been hurt

"Thank god you here Rose has been seriously hurt" She told us

Rose? Rose was hurt? How?

I saw the rest of their family come out and they started talking but I was too caught up in my thoughts about Rose

How did she get hurt The Romano's security is better then ours and ours is still hard to get in so how did someone get into the house

I came out my thoughts when I heard Antonio screaming "YOUR LYING REIGN WOULD NEVER HURT ROSE"
What he said shock me
Reign did this

"Enough Reign is gone and won't be back for awhile" Mr. Romano said

Silent tears kept streaming down my face
'My Reign did this'

. . . . .

"Alastair?" I heard Rose say shocked

I froze at the sound of that name "there's no way it the same Alastair' I tried to tell myself

"Woah you're back" I look up to see a boy
I look behind him to see three other girls and behind them was Alastair staring right at me

I stared shock in his eyes as neither one of us wanted to break eye contact

I soon broke eye contact as his eyes was too intense the eyes that showed nothing but hate

"You gotta be kidding me" I heard him say

I wasn't expecting to see him yet I thought maybe at school but not here not this early I wasn't ready

He told me when he was younger his uncle had killed his mom as he watch the whole thing happen

He told me he will never forgive people who betrayed their own family

"Can we go now" Alastair said "Nooo I wanted to get food first" the girl closer to him said

"Can you please just up for second not everything is about you Emma" The girl standing close to Caspian said they look alike so it's probably his sister

"Let's just go we have unwanted people here anyways" Rose said

"May I please be e-excuse to the bathroom" I ask Enzo Trying to hold back tears
He nodded

I took one last look at Alastair and got up and quickly walked towards the bathroom

I felt eyes following me the entire time I walked into the bathroom

I locked the door to the bathroom glad no one was in here and went inside the stall and also locked that door

I put my back on the wall of the stall and slowly slide down I winced when I felt my back opening back up but at that moment I didn't care

His eyes is what I cared about the eyes that once sparkled in the sun the ones that never held a single ounce of hatred the eyes that always were so bright

But the eyes are saw are not the same eyes. These eyes were empty and the only emotion was hatred not to any person but to me

I hate myself I knew I messed up I know that I hurt rose I know I deserve this the hatred that everyone is giving me but why does it hurt so bad

'It's supposed to you deserve everything coming to you.
You deserve to feel how rose did when her own sister betrayed her.
Imagine how rose felt' The voice was back

Her own twin the one who promise to protect her the one that claim she would never leave her is the same one that tried to kill her ironic isn't it?'

Why are you in my head I'm sorry ok please just leave me alone

'Sorry won't cut it'

I was a kid I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry please

'You weren't a kid you were a murder and still are'

No no I didn't murder anyone

'But you tried to isn't that just as bad'

In her head she knew what they were saying were true what if she hadn't survived then what I'm basically a murder

That was my last thought as I suddenly saw black

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