chapter nine

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chapter nine

thank u for the lovely messages on my conversations board i love yewwwww 😊 xx


     "What are you doing in my house?"

Roy looks over at you with an amused smile— you didn't really want to know how long he'd been sitting there, considering he'd taken the initiative to pull up a chair beside your bed. There's a pounding in your head, but thankfully you don't feel overly nauseous. Definitely look like a total mess, though. Roy's got perfect timing with everything, doesn't he? Always seeing you at your worst.

"Don't remember? I drove you home last night."

"What? I went to Candy's Club with Daphne... then, I had a drink..." You slowly retrace your steps, but couldn't find yourself recalling anything after the first bubblegum cocktail. Oh.

He laughs, eyes flickering to your side, "You sleep with it."

"Sleep with what?" You glance over, towards your left arm. It had curled itself around the teddy in your sleep, "Oh! Yes! Yeah... It's soft."

"That's cute." Roy smiles, "Hungry?"

"Not really, I— Ahh! What's the time?!" You shoot up, kicking off your blankets and standing. Roy balances your staggering figure by placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Two in the afternoon. Sit down, you might hurt yourself."

"I've got work! I was supposed to be there hours ago!" You fret, shaking off his hands as he pushes you back to your bed, "Velvet and Veneer are going to kill me!"

Roy watches you bite your nails, his hands reaching to stop you, then finding their way to your mouth. His thumb grazes the corner of your lip. Swallowing at his actions, a nervous shudder runs along your spine. Roy leans in closer, forehead touching your own. His pink irises clouded by wispy, curly bangs stand out amongst the dim room; so close, you could count the faint freckles over his nose. Had the beauty mark above his lip always been there? You'd never noticed.

"You drool in your sleep." Roy whispers, before leaning back. An entertained laugh escapes him.

"I could've got it myself." You murmur, annoyed, but features quickly soften, "Um, but thanks. For bringing me home safely... By the way, you know where I live?"

Roy shrugs, "You told me."

"Oh, really? Sorry, I was so out of it. Won't be drinking again, that's for sure." A breathy laugh is exhaled as you stand, "I should really get to work."

"Sweets, you had a long night. Just stay home. I'll notify head office for you."

"But... I'm so busy, I—"

From your room, you can hear a distant knocking on your front door. It's an angry, impatient pounding. Strange, nobody ever visits. Oh, unless it's your landlord, whom you still believe is dead. Frowning, you step around Roy and mindlessly fix your hair on the way to the door. Peeking through the eyehole, you visibly cringe at the sight of a fuming, but simultaneously worried, Velvet and Veneer. Just your luck. Unlocking the door, you yank it open with both hands.

"Toots! You're alive!" Veneer sobs loudly, throwing himself onto you. Stumbling back, you sheepishly pat his back in a soothing manner, "We thought you—" He sniffs, "Died!"

"Haha... alive and well, unfortunately. But now's not really a good time, I..." You glance back briefly, hoping Roy had the right mind to stay hidden.

God, why do you sound like a cheating scumbag?

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