chapter six

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chapter six

everybody put their seatbelts on i'm not playing


Roy couldn't have made it any more obvious.

Currently within the comfort of your own bedroom, you stare at the pink designer clothing he'd given you. It was the early morning before Bop on Top awards, and you were expected to be at Mount Rageous Records in roughly two hours. Velvet and Veneer had, in fact, informed you that you'd be joining them as their plus one (despite you refusing profusely). The whole reason you'd taken up cosmetology was so that you could stay behind the scenes, not walk down the red carpet. Alas, the twins wouldn't take no for an answer. Veneer had once more offered you his card, telling you to buy a look for the event before arriving.

And thus, you were at a standstill. Stuck in debate between wearing the gifts, which had the possibility of causing controversy, or going out of your way to buy your own.

You weren't that much of a bad person. Not to the extent of double-crossing your friends again, at least. You acknowledged their hatred for Roy, and didn't want to accidentally set them off again. But somewhat, you accepted Roy's apology. At least he was moderately taking accountability. Oh, and he sent you cash. In the end, you hang up Roy's gifts in your closet. The cash had gone straight into your savings jar, and would hopefully stay in there. As for the teddy, it'd found a nice spot on your bed.

You take a few moments to get ready, just so that you wouldn't have to worry about your own appearance after preparing Velvet and Veneer. As soon as you looked acceptable, you caught the next bus into town. You get off a few stops before your normal one, and find yourself at a popular shopping boulevard. Now, you weren't entirely sure what you're looking for. Something nice, but nothing over-the-top. Throughout the years, clothing has been the least of your worries. It's difficult to pinpoint what's trending, never-mind what looks nice on you.

Entering a quaint little boutique, you glance around.

"Welcome, welcome!" A woman hollers, waving benignly, "What can I do for you, my dear?"

"I'm attending Bop on Top's award show tonight... I know it's last minute, but I'm looking for something to wear?"

Her eyes sparkle, and you swear you can see dollar-signs, "Absolutely!" Whipping out measuring tape, she pulls you further into the store, settling you behind a screen.

Her hands fly around your waist, chest, thighs and arms; measuring you swiftly. Standing back, she nods and scurries off. You snort to yourself; is that what you look like to Velvet and Veneer? Scuttling back, the woman returns with a plethora of outfits, "Yes, yes! Your measurements are perfect, these'll fit nicely."

Hanging them all up so that you'd be able to see them clearly, one in particular catches your eyes. From top to bottom, it's entirely white; which is risky, but ties into Velvet and Veneer's apparel nicely. The garment wasn't overly extravagant, but most definitely not casual wear. It leaned into your style quite well, actually.

"I think I'll take this." You smile softly, holding the fabric up slightly.

"Wonderful choice, my dear! Spectacular taste. Will you be needing accessories and shoes?"


With your outfit packed neatly in a little bag, and having picked up the galactic-themed headdresses, you're on your way to the studio.

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