chapter three

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chapter three

y'all in these comments are FUNNY.


"Velvet? Veneer?"

Unusually enough, their dressing room door is locked; so you're left to call for them from the other side. An array of worrisome thumps and bumps could be heard from within the room. If you put your ear against the door, (which you did, because you're incredibly nosy, per usual) you could just barely make out their words.

"Put... away!"

"You... it!"

"Hurry, or... suspect something!"

"Just take... us!"

The door clicks, signifying it'd been unlocked. Stumbling back as fast as possible so you wouldn't appear to be the eavesdropper you were, it slides open, revealing the twins. Their hair was slightly amok, clothes slovenly and eyes shifting nervously. For the first time since you'd gotten the job, Veneer couldn't look you in the eyes. Yeah... something's up. I mean, you'd have to be a fool to not notice. But personally, you get paid enough not to care. For the meantime, anyway.

"Evening! Car's prepared. We need to be at the venue soon, are you ready to go?" You smile, hands on your hips.

"Perfect timing, dolly! We were just about to call you." Velvet grins charmingly, slightly out of breath as she leans against the doorway. Her hands were tucked behind her back, blatantly hiding something from your view.

"You were?" You laugh, somehow not believing that.

"Can it." Her smile drops, replaced with an irked sneer. You raise your hands at her threatening expression.

While you've learnt that they could very well ruin your life and career with the mere snap of a finger, you simply just don't take it to heart anymore. Can't really get much worse than where you are right now, anyway.

After making your way downstairs, towards the valet, you open the vehicle's door for the two. They climb into the back of their new, viridescent limousine. Since Crimp was occupying the passenger's seat, you stepped in after them, taking a seat on the opposite side. The engine roars to life, the driver steps on the gas. You do a quick once-over of your baggage, double checking you'd brought all of the cosmetics and hairstyling tools required. Their wardrobe had already been arranged prior and delivered directly to Boombox Theatre, which thankfully left you with one less thing to worry about. After acknowledging that you had everything, you gaze over towards the twins.

"Veneer, are you feeling okay? You're really quiet." You frown, leaning forward slightly. He looked a bit more pale than usual; which was saying something, since the two always were, "I have some painkillers if you're unwell."

"He's fine. Aren't you, 'lil bro?" Velvet pats his back roughly, inciting an almost skittish yelp from the boy.

He musters, "Just peachy!"

"If you say so... Just let me know, okay?"

"How thoughtful of you, dolly." Velvet grins teasingly.

Much like Crimp's name-calling, the twins beseeched you your own nicknames as well. Though, you could hardly call them as bad as hers. Things like doll face, dolly, toots, ditz. They were sort of growing on you! Unlike how you'd first started, and found them annoying, they were now sort of... cute. That probably sounded absurd on your behalf.

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