chapter four

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chapter four


Recovering proved to be easier with the help of Velvet and Veneer's gifts. If you could even call them gifts, since they'd so charitably flame-grilled your home while delivering them. Anyhow, within just a few days, you were up and rearing; back on the grind.

At the very moment? You're here.

"Y'see, Rollie Roy's requesting you for his next show as a personal stylist. Said he won't go on if you're not there. And me personally, I would really like to keep my job."

Roy's manager, Chiffon, had kind of rudely interrupted your lunch in the staffroom. She had perched herself directly over you, staring down at you with large eyes. Sorta weird, actually. At her words, you lower the fork wedged between your lips and frown. Rollie Roy's asking for you? You'd met the guy once. Sweaty, and crammed in an elevator, at that.

"What? I can't just... I mean— I work for Velvet and Veneer. Not Rollie Roy." You explain, though by her disinterested expression, she clearly already knew that.

"Technically, Mount Rageous Records is your employer." Chiffon says inexpressively, her body hunched and elbows resting on the table.

You sigh, "You know what I mean. Velvet and Veneer aren't big fans of Rollie Roy. Do you realise what kind of position that puts me in if they find out I'm doing a job like this behind their back? With their charts rival?"

Checking her nails, she shrugs, "You'd get double the wage."

Music to your ears. Standing up abruptly, you shake her hand excitedly.

"Well why didn't you just say so! I'd be honoured!"

A cunning smirk slithers onto her face as she returns the handshake, "I like your attitude. Our dressing room, tomorrow morning. Five floors down from the twins."

So you're a bit of a forty-niner, and what about it? Suddenly, your meal tasted a little bit better; the sun shone a little bit brighter, and your skin felt a little bit clearer. Chiffon had briefly informed you of the other details before bidding adieu. Humming happily to yourself, you poke at your salad, in a daze. Double the wage... you munch happily. What Velvet and Veneer don't know won't hurt 'em, right? They don't care about you enough, anyways. Realising that you were due back at the dressing room, you hurriedly throw your things into a bag. Arriving upstairs, you exit the elevator and speed-walk into their lounge.

"Dolly." Velvet greets, not glancing up from her phone.

"Toots!" Veneer skips over, taking your hands and spinning you around before pausing, "Oh, you got a little somethin'..."

A slender, porcelain hand raises to your face; his finger sliding across your lower lip. Veneer sucks his thumb.

"Yuck!" You reel back, appalled. Wiping your mouth aggressively, you make sure everything's off of your face before shooting him a dirty look. These two have become very comfortable around you lately.

"Is it?" He grins cheekily, "Because it tastes pretty good."

Ignoring his childish act, you look around the near empty room, "Where's Crimp? I, uh, need to speak with her."

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