chapter 18

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Some days after Alexander disappeared with Chad, Max is walking with a box in his arms. He walks in and puts it on the ground, the rooms are empty and the windows are open so the cold wind can get in. This old apartment is familiar of course, because it's his old home. The home he had lived in with Alex when they were a couple. Now that he's gone it's time for him to come back, he opens the box where all of his kitchen stuff is. He takes out a flower vase, without the flowers of course, then puts it on the light brown table. On it there is a note that someone left there, it says:
“Hi Maxime

It's me, Alexander, I'm not missing or anything, don't worry about me. I'm somewhere where I love, I'm with the guy I love, I promise to be a better boyfriend to him than I ever was to you. By the way, how are your wife and you doing? I hope you're happy because I am. You and your mom will forever be in my mind and I hope I will be in yours too.

I love you
Max stared at the letter with tears dropping from his cheeks. He closed his eyes and heard the world die in a second. Death had done his mission in exchange for living forever in a void with God's favorite creation.

The end.

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