Chapter 7

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The scientist was walking to his workplace, the snow was soon gone and his friend Julia was staying in contact with him, that was new. He never had a real friend, they would all leave whenever they could for some reason. Anyway, finally there he went in, put down his stuff and today was a short day because he had to stay only at night, he didn’t have to work so that meant there was no one except him and Chad.
-Hi Chad! He smiled while entering.
-Hi Alexander, happy to see you today. I thought you were not coming, it made me sick. Chad looked down and Alex giggled from afar. Then he remembered something he was thinking about yesterday.
-I was wondering, can I see what is under this hand?
-It's just my eyes, ugly one.
-I'm sure they're not ugly! He stood far in front of the glass.
-You really wanna see? He asked kindly and intrigued.
-I mean if you're fine with it I would like to see your full face. He rubbed his hands together. Chad put his left hand on the glass and got closer to it.
-Come. He murmured kindly. Alexander walked closer but not close enough.
-I can’t come closer. There's a sign here that says to clearly not come closer so. Chad grinned.
-I ain't gonna do anything to you, unless you ask. You want me too? Alexander blushed and looked down on his right. He thought to himself “should I come closer? I mean it's just to see his face clearly, it's fine right?” No more thought, his body walked on his own. He walked closer and closer to the glass, Chad stared at him with a smile showing his sharp teeth.
-Here, close enough? I can’t come closer anyway. Chad's hand on his head slid away to reveal beautiful green eyes. Alex was staring into them, so beautiful, everything with him was beautiful.
-You saw enough? Can I hide again? He asked while staring into his eyes too. The scientist smiled in a flirty way.
-No, I'm not finished looking at this handsome face and you clearly haven't looked at mine enough. Chad was surprised by that answer. He was blushing and we could see it even with his dark skin. They stayed here for some time looking at each other's body from down to top. The monster looked at the clock from far away and said:
-Huh, you should sleep now it's late. Alexander walked back and went to his sleeping spot. Chad's hand went back in front of his eyes. They both fell asleep after some time, it took a lot of time for Alexander. He couldn’t stop looking at Chad, last time he had felt like this was long ago, really long ago.

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