chapter 17

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After Alexander says to Chad: “do it” The monster makes the black smoke bigger until he covers the whole planet and they lose consciousness with the gunshot behind them. There was black void everywhere. Nothing at all was there until Alex heard breathing around him. He opened his eyes and saw Chad in front of him, holding his head.
-Hi, you're awake. He gently whispered. All around them was the void, he had done it there was no more world.
-How am I still alive? I thought I was gonna leave with the world.
-Well about that… Now that you're here you cannot leave with it anymore and I didn't actually destroy it to be honest. I couldn't do it knowing it would have taken a part of you.
-What do you mean?
-It's your world, I can’t destroy it.
-Chad, my world isn’t this one, my world is you. A world is where you feel safe and where you give all your love to.
-You really think that? He said before Alexander kissed him passionately. For a second they stayed there, Chad took Alex's face and slid down on his neck. He kissed it all around letting hickeys all over him. Alexander lost his ability to stand up, Chad held him and continued to kiss gently. Alexander spoke between the kisses:
-so…the world is still…living right?
-Yeah. They stopped touching their lips.
-I have to do something, just one thing. Can I go back there and then come back here with you? Stay forever with you.
-Yeah okay. He smiled.

My world is youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora