chapter 16

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When earth was first created, there was nothing but plants and peace between the elements. There was a god for every one of them, fire, water, earth, air, creation and death. Long ago when humans and animals appeared, the gods found them to be too much to keep. They all made a deal with death and sent him on earth, his work was to destroy the humans but sadly there was a consequence to doing that, but death took it. If he was to destroy the world then he would destroy himself with it. The gods were scared to create and live without death but he himself wasn't. With their power all together they sent him to earth. The god of death knew what his mission was even with his memory lost. The others started to watch his Journey with their powers. The god of water would watch him with liquid around him, the air with the wind and creation with the kids. For some reason everytime the god of his opposite would be around, death would feel it. The day he got captured by humans, the gods stopped following him around. At least that's what they thought, but creation had never stopped. He created a human that would follow and help him everywhere he'll go, his name was Alexander. The gods were the type to give gifts to each other, but this one was way bigger than he had thought it would be. Slowly the humans around them continued destroying everything around them, nature, even the air itself and they would kill each other. No for them there was no gift but only carnage, almost worse than death himself. At the moment, the gods on top of us are still praying for death to make it. Their beautiful creations were destroyed by them, they had to make it stop and the only one that could do it was Chad.

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