chapter 12

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The cage was still open, they were staring at each other until Chad whispered.

-You're not scared of me? 

-Why would I be?

-There's so many reasons for you to be. Alexander smiled and went forward, Chad too. Their lips touched, Chad's ones were so cold that Alex jumped a little and moved back then looked again at him and went for it. He pushed the opening to its max and held Chad's head with his two hands. The monster held himself up and forced to go closer to him. Their lips were touching each other until Alex stopped and looked at him.

-Why don't you come out? I thought you wanted to destroy me? He giggled.

-To be honest, I'm kind of scared to get out but I promise I still will. Chad took his hand and pulled Alex closer to kiss him again, they were enjoying themselves until Julia walked in. Alexander stopped kissing his beloved when he heard the door open and looked at it. Julia screamed when she saw them, Alexander jumped down the ladder and said to shut up before she started running.

-Julia! Wait, I can explain! He ran after her in the front corridor and took her arms with his two hands to stop her. She was panicking and begging him to let her go.

-Let me go Alex! I don’t want to be there when he will kill all of us! You’re crazy! She was screaming and trying to leave his strong hands.

-He is not going to kill us! He's just like us I swear! Look Julia you know when I told you about my ex right? She stayed silent, staring into his soul, terrified. Well I found him when I started working the night shift and he made me feel like my ex wasn't even my ex, like I never actually loved and he knew that! If he knows then that means he has emotions right. Please! Julia, believe me, he ain't gonna hurt anyone, not even you! You’re my only friend besides him. I need you to stay. She stopped breathing for a second and then took a deep breath before whispering:

-Now I understand why I was your only friend. She scratched herself away from him and ran as fast as she could, Alexander stared at his hands shaking like crazy. He was broken, he looked back at Chad, he had closed the door himself, he didn’t get out, he sat far in the bottom with his arms covering his legs and watched the chaos happen because of him again. Alexander was destroyed inside but not because of the so-called monster but because of the real ones. On the verge of tears Alex looks at Chad from far.

-Chad, I… He said with trouble, his voice was shaking and his neck hurting.

-It's okay, run away before they take you too.

-But you…

-I'll be fine. He said with tears going down his cheeks but we couldn't see them since they were going with the green water already in the bottle of glass. Alexander ran away without a thought, he cried like a kid on his way home. No one ever had been there for him even in the worst time, what was even the point of not letting Chad destroy the world? There was nothing to lose

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